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May is water safety month. This may it’s even more important as we are all distancing and distracted in new ways- it’s very important to have so start supervision, door locks and alarms and a fence! Drownings are already up this year. Please stay safe and enjoy the summer!


I miss all my swim families so much and can not wait to get back in the pool! However until it’s safe to do so I have retreated to the kitchen (my second passio...n in life out of the water)and have tried lots of new recipes and made favorites that take forever to cook. Now that we are weeks into quarantine please share with me your kitchen fail! Mine was cinnamon rolls in the waffle iron, great in theory but ended up burnt and raw at the same time. I wish I had a picture but I didn’t even think about it at the time. See more


Amazing things are happening. Many instructors are calling local legislators and asking to be deemed essential workers. Why? Because drowning is the leading cause of accidental death in children. As of now drowning is causing more deaths to children than covid-19. That does not take away the severity of covid-19 but it does make you think. (Also drownings are on the rise this year, than in the previous couple of years where we have seen far fewer drownings) Ohio legislation ...is wanting to make certified private lessons, specifically self rescue lessons deemed essential. That’s huge simply for the fact legislation is finally realizing pools and bodies of water we have deemed playgrounds are not safe and we need to treach our children to play in them before they play in them. It’s like a rock wall, a motorcycle or a car. We have to learn before we can be trusted to be in it, and even then we need constant supervision until we are proficient. And even after we are trusted we need grandmas hawk eyes watching us just in case. I am so incredibly proud to be part of an organization that puts safety first when it comes to the #1 cause to accidental death in children. https://www.sent-trib.com//article_05390eea-8ee9-11ea-970e


If you are not getting in the water with your child, they are learning they can get in without you. If you are not getting in the water with your child, they are learning they can get in without you.


We're CASTing Hope for a Safer Summer! Despite all that we’re going through, drowning remains the leading cause of death for children under 5. The new demand...s of quarantine life style leave us distracted and overwhelmed, all the while super stores and pool stores are selling out of above ground pools as parents scramble to save summer. Please share this message, you could save a life. Create a strong water safety strategy for free with CAST. Sharing our posts will also enter you to win fun summer prizes such as Yeti coolers, Step 2 water tables and more. Designate a Water Guardian. Thank you to Levi's Legacy for sharing this concept and for allowing Levi's story to inspire our brand new water guardian tags. We will deliver/send free Water Guardian Tags to the first 150 families that request them. (Photo in comments) Don't trust a floatation device. Please do your research. The importance of this is best said by Levi's Legacy on June 7, 2019 and Isr Michael Petrella on January 19. (Photos in comments). https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=3AoifrRebTg Be in the water with your kids. The majority of accidents happen when it is not swim time. Kids are fully clothed and escape during a short lapse in supervision. Make sure the water is a place that they've never been without an adult in the pool too. This may deter them from exploring alone. (Photo in comments). Kids must keep hands to themselves. Some swimmers are stronger than others. It's easy for wrestling to turn into head injuries. Dunking others and breath holding is never safe. Learn to swimmers should swim only to a designated adults outstretched hand, a pool wall, or a stair. It's dangerous for struggling swimmers to be allowed to grab anything or anybody that they see. Discuss strategies with kids so that if another child is in trouble they know to get an adult. Clean all toys from in and around the pool. Toys, rafts and beach balls can lure a child back to the pool area. Make cleaning up a strong and established routine. Share photos to social media later. A child can drown in 30 seconds. Resist the temptation to divide your attention. Tuck them in, lock the doors, set the alarm. Then share. High quality fences, high door locks, and alarms save lives. High quality pool fences are 4 sided, at least 4 feet high, are difficult to climb, and have self-latching gates. Be sure there is not furniture that can be easily pushed up to the fence as a way to climb over. Door locks and alarms are an added layer of protection. We recommend Life Saver Pool Fence Systems. Learn CPR and First Aid. Stay tuned for opportunities to take free classes with CAST. Please share! Together we can make a difference. Reach out to us via castwatersafety.org to request your water watcher tag or to schedule a phone call to strategize with one of our certified instructors. Claire Meza Isr Ashley Condron Carrie Ann Anna Biggins


I NEED YOU HELP! Please help spread this message. #notonemorechilddrowns #watersafety #drowningprevention #isr #CaliISR #isrgrandrapids #infantswim #infantswimmingresource #ISRMP


WATER SAFETY MONTH - SAFETY TIP When shopping for swimwear... your choice matters! Choose bright colors that are easy to spot quickly. In a water emerg...ency, when seconds count, your child will be easier to spot. Steer away from muted colors - blues, grays, or colors that blend into the water easily. The sooner your child is spotted - the safer they are. Another good idea - When headed to the public pool or beach, snap a pic with your phone before play begins. That way you have a picture of your child in their current outfit if they get lost! When you can't find them - check the water first! www.isrstl.com #notonemorechilddrowns #nationalwatersafetymonth #thesoonerthesafer #isrstl #isrstlouis #livelikejake #choosewisely #safetytip #infantswimmingresource


Scary to think what could happen when one layer fails and that’s the only layer of defense you have. Luckily mom and dad are right there, but this is how so many children drown every year.


Hello All! If you are on the Kansas City Swim Rescue Waitlist via signup.com, please check your email. I opened up a new session!


May is water safety month. As a drowning prevention advocate the picture below breaks my heart. All of these children look so happy in their flotations and all of these children have drown. Flotation devices put children in the drowning positions while swimming. They also give children a false sense of security, and can not determine their abilities from what the flotation device is doing. Here are some thing to do instead of a flotation device: - Have your child ask permiss...ion from an adult to get in the pool. Every Time. The adult should already be in the pool. - Always be in the pool within arms distance of your child. - Assign a water watcher every 15-20 minutes. This person has no phone or drink and is responsible for scanning the pool like a life guard. - Learn CPR - Always remove all toys and objects from the pool. - Always have the cover closed when not in the pool. - Install a fence with a self locking latch - Talk with a certified self rescue instructor about lessons and how to make swimming fun and enjoyable. ** Coast Guard approved Life jackets should always been worn on open water. Test your kid in the life jacket before you go on open water.


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