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Kudos to St. Augustine Social!!


There is just so many things wrong with this video. To make sure you are getting a certified ISR instructor visit www.infantswim.com and put in your zipcode for the closest instructors near you. We are all certified and have to keep up our certification yearly.


I got to see the look in this 5 year olds eyes and the smile on his face when he realized he can navigate the deep end! I absolutely LOVE teaching ISR! #skillsbeforethrills #ISR #staugustineisr #imsoproudofhim #ilovemyjob


This brings so much joy to my heart! She was such a pleasure to teach!


I once never really thought about the color of bathing suit being a potential life saver. Make your kiddos more visible if you know they are going to be around water by buying the bright neon suits instead of the pretty blue one. I got Jax a bright orange rash guard to start the swim season.


Are lessons REALLY just 10 minutes?! We know, we know....it sounds a little crazy but this is very much by design. Here's a bit of info as to why we do short,... frequent lessons in ISR... It's the way young children learn As babies, we don't practice walking once a week. Standing, balancing, cruising are done in tiny increments each day as part of our experience of learning to walk. And similar to walking, swimming is a sensorimotor skill best learned by experience over time. Kids thrive on routine The consistency of the daily lesson schedule creates an optimal learning environment. When kids know where they are going, who they will be with, and what is expected of them they begin to feel confident and secure, building trust with their instructor as they are taught these priceless skills. It’s WORK! People often think of swimming as a "for fun" activity, but they forget...it's a workout! Little bodies get tired quickly, and fatigued muscles + water (the most unforgiving environment on the planet) = dangerous. Safety is our top priority, so instructors closely monitor your child's fatigue to ensure they are practicing efficiently for an optimal learning experience. To connect with an instructor near you, visit www.infantswim.com and put in your zip code


Floating towards 2021 like Many of our instructors are gearing up for a new year of lessons! Find one near you by visiting www.infantswim.com and putting in your zip code


Practicing their float . Jaxon has had a lot of vertical reinforcement this summer because he can touch the bottom of the pool in the shallow end. I noticed he wasn’t floating much and asked Dane to get him to float. It’s important to keep up those life saving skills! Make floating a priority every time you get in the pool with your child. Stress the importance of resting in a float!


To all of my friends with kiddos older than 6 months old who can’t float or swim, please take the time to watch this video. I LOVE teaching ISR and the gift I give these kiddos and families. Check out www.infantswim.com for an ISR instructor near you!


What is an ISR Career about? I love my career!!! Video by Bearenger Petrella ... #ISRMP #isrgrandrapids #watersafety #MAXOUT #100to0 #WaterSafetyTips #drowningprevention #notonemorechilddrowns #CAST_Water_Safety #castinghope #swimfloatswim #ISR #infantswimmingresource


Baby's cry for many different reasons. Don't let that keep you from enrolling them in ISR lessons. Most typically calm down and all of them can learn to save themselves from an aquatic accident. www.Infantswim.com


The best feeling in the world is getting videos like these from last years students! Bursting with pride!!!


TRIGGER ALERT Jackson fell in the pool head first unexpectedly FOUR YEARS AGO TODAY. It was silent. No splash and no screams for help. He did what he knew ...and started swimming to the side. Only his blue jeans and sneakers weighed him down so he never made it. I WILL REEXPLAIN THIS POINT FOR THE REST OF MY LIFE Jackson had learned how to swim at TWO; he learned at home. We knew to NEVER put him in arm floaties or puddle jumpers so he didn’t have a false sense of security. He was FOUR when he had his accident. TEACHING YOUR CHILD TO SWIM IS NOT THE SAME AS TEACHING THEM SWIM SURVIVAL SKILLS! Constant observation is your first line of defense. Unfortunately, parents are not perfect and can not physically be in every place their child is every second of their life. We cook, we shower, we go to the bathroom, we care for other children, we nap when they are suppose to be napping, etc. Your next line of defense are multiple barriers: locks, chains, alarms, and pool fences. But barriers do not stop all accidents. Your next line of defense is ISR. The best gift you can give your child is the gift of survival training. And last you need to be trained in proper CPR. Please don’t let drowning or non-fatal drowning become your story too. https://www.infantswim.com https://www.redcross.org/take-a-class/cpr Jackson’s story is very uncharacteristic. Not only did he survive but he WALKED out of the hospital after just two weeks. The doctors stated their only explanation was that the water was chilly, he received proper CPR, and they witnessed us praying over him constantly. They truly have no medical explanation. Drowning is something that happens to other people until suddenly you are other people. Did you know that 19 children under the age of 6 have died from a drowning in Florida in 2021? NINETEEN CHILDREN HAVE DIED IN FLORIDA IN THE LAST 3 MONTHS FROM DROWNING. This is devastating! #MiracleChild #DrowningSurvivor #SwimFloatSwim #teachthemtoSURVIVE #LayersOfProtection #NotOneMore #ISRsaveslives www.infantswim.com Need resources? Seek assistance from places such as www.livelikejake.com and https://judahbrownproject.org Looking to donate to help save a child in desperate need of survival swim? Look to donate to www.livelikejake.com and https://judahbrownproject.org


More children than ever before have the ISR Skills they would need to save their own life if they found themselves in the water alone The only unfortunate b...y-product of our growth is that we have seen an unprecedented surge in individuals who claim they are offering ISR when, in fact, they are not. All too often, we hear from families who believed they were entrusting the safety of their children to a Certified ISR Instructor, only to later find out that they had been misled All Certified Infant Swimming Resource (ISR) Instructors: Have an email address ending in @infantswim.com Can provide parents with a copy of their current ISR Certificate for review Offer lessons five consecutive days per week, for a maximum of 10 minutes each day Will require your child to be registered through ISR’s Online Registration Process Visit www.infantswim.com to find a certified instructor near you!


Happy Birthday to these two beauties!!! It’s such a joy to give them the gift of water competence on their big day!!! #ISR #infantswimmingresource #notjustforinfants #watersafety #StAugustineISR #skillsbeforethrills


Flotation devices like Puddle Jumpers are very bad for your child to swim in!!! Here is why: #emmyandlevi #drowningprevention #caliisr #isr #infantswimmingresource #watersafety #notonemorechilddrowns #puddlejumpers #oneatatime #isrgrandrapids #nomorepuddlejumpers


It is developmentally normal for babies to cry when they start swim lessons. Just like some babies cry when they get placed in a car seat. You wouldn’t take th...em out of the car seat because they’re crying. Because it’s for their own safety. Crying is normal. Take some time to find the best instructor for your baby. Choose someone that is gentle and kind. A certified instructor will never throw your baby in the water. Many of them encourage you to also get in the water. Your baby will build confidence with time and they will learn to love the water. If your baby is crying, try to cheer them on and stay positive. They are looking at you for support. Be the cheerleader they need even if you have to fake it It will help them stay positive as they learn their new skills. But you should not take them out of a program just because they cry. Remember, Crying = Breathing. Breathing = Life. You have no idea how much I would give to hear Sylas cry. To have him back in my arms. I promise you, crying is not the worst thing to happen.


Way to go St. Augustine Social for educating our community on ISR! I am proud to being a part of this amazing ISR team!!


I am going to be starting an afternoon/early evening session starting in 2 weeks. Please spread the word and send your non floating/swimming kiddos my way! For more information go to www.infantswim.com #ISR #ISRLessons #StAugustineISR #skillsbeforethrills #notonemorechilddrowns #infantswimmingresource


Phone: +1 904-400-4555

Website: ktaylor.infantswim.com/instructor

Followers: 377


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