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In summer, the pumps should be run 8 to 10 hours per day to prevent algae growth. In winter, only 4 to 6 hours of circulation is required.


A swimming pool is beneficial even if you aren’t a swimmer. Walking or jogging in a pool provides a great cardio workout, according to experts. The resistance of the water offers a surprisingly difficult workout while the water also protects the joints.


Have you ever heard of actress Esther Williams? The MGM actress was featured in a series of aquatic movies in the 1940s and 1950s that swimming experts say contributed greatly to the demand for residential swimming pools.


Pools are not just used for recreation; they can also provide physical therapy and exercise. Professions such as diving and lifeguard use the pool as a classroom. Even astronauts take advantage of pools when training.


Need water for a local festival? We can help. Our water hauling services include fulfilling the water needs for festivals, competitions and much more plus, we offer clean, pH neutral water that is safe for drinking too.


Studies show that hydrotherapy produces the most significant improvements for people with rheumatoid arthritis than any other type of exercise, according to the Centers for Disease Control.


Did you know that the safety and most cost-effective location for a spa is going to be the lower level of a deck? Most decks that are only a few steps above ground are able to support 100 pounds per square foot (if built to code).


Filling a pool with a hose is time consuming. Depending on the size, it can take a hose attached to a faucet over a day to do the job. A water delivery truck on the other hand, needs just 15 minutes.


It’s rare, but if a crack appears in your fiberglass pool, it’s good to know it can be repaired. The damaged area will be patched or removed and replaced, then it’s recoated to seal the fiberglass and restore the appearance.


When deciding on the details of your pool construction, don’t forget about lighting. This is a great way to create a beautiful nighttime showpiece, as well as to allow for safe nighttime swimming.


Did you know that 2 hours a week of aerobic activity, such as swimming, can reduce a person’s chances of getting heart disease, diabetes or other chronic illnesses, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.


The benefit of freshwater delivery is that the water is, well, fresh! In fact, only clean purified water is used to fill a swimming pool, reservoir or storage tank. No matter how large the project, swimming pool or reservoir, freshwater delivery delivers.


Pool usage plays a large determining factor as to how often you should have the water changed. Public pools, for example, will want to have their water drained at the end of each season, whereas the average family pool can go up to 7 years (assuming the maintenance is good) before needing fresh water.


Did you know that the White house did not have a swimming pool until 1975? That was the year that President Gerald Ford, a football player in college at the University of Michigan and avid swimmer, had an outdoor pool installed.


Website: https://am-pools.com/

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