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Testimonial from Yura Martin, Mother of Dean Our son, Dean has always had the fear for water. After just a few lessons, he was able to face his fears and was enjoying the swimming lessons immensely. ... Under the expert tutorlage by Coach Roy, Dean felt safe & secured and is able to develop a passion for swimming! My husband & me really appreciate your brilliant assistance & dedication.


There are so many benefits to swimming, and with better endurance, you will be able to swim faster and for a longer period of time. Here are 4 training tips to building endurance in swimming. 1. Start slow but stay consistent... 2. Increase distance but lower repetition for each set 3. Do interval training 4. Do dry land training https://swimswam.com/4-training-tips-to-build-your-swimmin/


So glad the kids liked the gifts, or is it just the LED lights?


Happy Children’s Day! While we were not able to see the kiddos for swim lessons this period, we’re glad we managed to prepare ahead and gift the little ones with their very own lighted skipping ropes! Photos were taken before the stabilisation period .


Appreciate all the gifts and love given by our students over the weekend. Happy Teacher’s Day!


[UPDATE - Circuit Breaker] Swim Hero will align our suspension of lessons until the Government’s Phase 2 - Safe Transition phase where further resumption of activities will be allowed and in accordance with SportSG advisories.


We brought colours of the rainbow into our gifts for our kiddos this Children’s Day week! A practical gift in this climate goes a long way. Grateful for the sunshine these little ones bring to every single lesson. It was indeed a Happy Children’s Week for us #swimhero #childrensday #youthday #swimcoach #kidsmakeourday


It’s Children’s Day! We have prepared a special gift for the little kiddos in this new normal. So many colours to choose from! Looking forward to the priceless smiles soon. Happy Children's Day! Stay safe as always. #childrensday2020 #swimhero #gifts #maskbox


Did you know that swimming is great for your mental health other than the physical benefits it brings? It’s a mood and self-esteem booster that keeps anxiety under control and cultivates mindfulness. Speedo and BelievePerform gives us 5 reasons to hit the pool regularly to stay stress free and zen! #mentalhealth #swimforlife #swimming #stressfree #sports #swimhero


Everybody comes in different shapes, mentalities and speed. Listen to your body and go with your flow. Comment below what type of swimmer are you?


Remembering our teachers, who have always been passionate and committed, who never fail to be our motivation towards success, who are always nurturing and reassuring. Grateful for the existence of all you teachers out there. Here’s a little poem a few of us swim teachers recall from our primary school days, dedicated to you. ... ~~ Teachers, teachers, you bring us happiness. In us you care, because you’re always there. You promise to teach us always, And that you’ll show us the way. You’re oh so fun and oh so sweet, Oh dear teachers we love you so. ~~ Thank you for your relentless commitment. Happy Teachers’ Day (or rather week!) #swimhero #swimcoachdiary #teachersday #teaching #coach #commitment #educators #teachersforlife **almost all pics used in this post were taken pre-covid-19 before safe distancing measures were required.


Here are 10 things your child’s swim instructor wants you to know: 1. Children learn differently and at their own pace. We love seeing children take to the water, well, like fish! Some jump right in and some need a little more time to feel comfortable. Building the strength and confidence for swimming lessons takes time. Know that your child is doing their best and it will look different than anyone else’s best. 2. Fear is contagious. Try not to show any apprehension you have...Continue reading


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