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When you choose to have Clear Blue Pools repair your pool equipment, you can rest easy knowing that the job has been done correctly and that the work is guaranteed.


Living in a small community, supporting local businesses makes all the difference. Pool repairs and services are no different. By choosing to support local companies, you are helping Ramona improve.


Maintaining your pools chemistry on your own can be a daunting task and requires weekly monitoring, which can take a novice 30 minutes to an hour. By hiring a professional, not only will it save you hours every month, it will also give you the satisfaction and piece of mind that your pool is in perfect condition whenever you feel the need to cool off. https://www.angieslist.com//should-i-hire-pro-swimming-poo


Our team is dedicated to doing the job right. All repairs and installations by Clear Blue Pools are guaranteed personally and James stands by his wok.


The dog days of summer are on their way. We all know the beaches are overcrowded. Doesn't a cool dip in a freshly serviced pool sound so much better?


The heat is still coming and your pool has likely seen a lot of swimmers. Did you know that your pool's filtration system needs to be cleaned every 1-3 months? If yours hasn't, give us a call!


Phone: +1 760-788-3816

Website: http://www.cbpools.net/

Followers: 26


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