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Thank you for being an EAPPF fb friend! Fourteen years ago, the Elisabeth Arnold Plant Pool Fund was established at the end of my final term as City Councillor... for Somerset Ward. Since that time, the Fund has been making it possible for young people to learn to swim, even if their families cannot afford to pay for swimming lessons. Over $60,000 has been donated, and more than 500 children have been supported. And unfortunately, the need for this support is as strong as ever. This year the EAPPF: Provided funding for a grade 3-4 class at Cambridge Street Public School to receive 4 weeks of swimming lessons Supported 18 children from St Anthony School to receive 9 weeks of swimming lessons Increased the number of children we supported at the Plant Pool Recreation Association Summer Camp Program by providing $1,000 to pay for 444 pool sessions for boys and girls between the ages of 8 and 15. We could really use you help to continue our work. Your donation will help to build the capital in the Fund so that more children in the community, regardless of their financial status, learn to swim at their local pool. The easiest way to contribute is by credit card through the Community Foundation of Ottawa website at www.ocf-fco.ca and selecting the Elisabeth Arnold Plant Pool Fund on the donation page You also have the option of sending a cheque to the Community Foundation of Ottawa at 75 Albert Street, Suite 301, Ottawa, ON K1P 5E7, indicating that your donation should be directed to the EAPPF in the memo line on your cheque. You can also help by liking this post and sharing it with your Facebook friends. Thanks for your help and very best wishes to you and your family for a happy 2019. Elisabeth p.s. The cost of basic learn-to swim lessons is $106.25. If you can afford it, please give enough for two children: just $212.00. p.p.s. Your donation is fully tax-deductible.


Augustine really likes the diving board, and really wants you to help neighbourhood kids with swimming lessons! Visit the Ottawa Community Foundation donation page https://goo.gl/ZAzdTP. Search "Plant Pool" and make a donation... for Augustine and the kids!


Great news from the Elisabeth Arnold Plant Pool Fund! This fall we are very pleased to be able to sponsor 2 classes with group swimming lessons, one from Saint Anthony School and one from Cambridge Street School. We very excited that our new initiative to sponsor Lifeguard training is being launched with two enthusiastic young people. If you want to help us continue to offer these programs and more, you can donate by clicking on the sign up button on this page.


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