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Search through more than 50 premium videos dealing specifically with the Pushoff - http://gosw.im/1WGdIUy Visit VAST swimming at their website - www.vastswimmin...g.com While visiting the Vipers of Albuquerque Swim Team and Coach Gordy Westerberg, we caught some great pushoff and turn work. Why do it: Having a stronger push means achieving better velocity while leaving each wall. Measuring the drill means you can track improvement. How to do it: 1 - Gordy starts with the swimmers connected to a stretch cord, and has them do a couple hard streamline pushoffs. 2 - They swimmer quickly removes the cord and does a hard pushoff passed the teams pushoff targets. 3 - Gordy times from foot leave to when the feet pass the pushoff target. The goal is to get the feet passed that marker as quickly as possible. How to do it really well (the fine points): Going from resistance to non-resistance is great. The added stress means you'll have to push off very hard to get any movement at all. Gordy can adapt the resistance based on the swimmer's ability by just walking closer or further away while holding the cord. To move this forward to the flip turn, Gordy then has the swimmers hold on to the wall, then on his go, the flip and push off passed the target. This should encourage a tighter tuck, and quicker feet over the top.


This week, we'll focus on stable head in freestyle, starting with @karalynnjoyce - http://gosw.im/1GTjYUs


Watch over 50 more Freestyle Balance videos here - http://gosw.im/1XzGj0s Here's a exercise you can do to any practice, that will help your athletes learn balan...ce. Why do it: A great freestyle is based on a solid body line. Sometimes swimmers MASK that line by using their arms and legs for support. This exercise can help focus on the core. How to do it: 1 - Swim freestyle with your legs together and toes points. 2 - Don't kick. How to do it really well (the fine points): This works on a few things; - In order to keep the legs up, there needs to be SOME velocity to keep things in line, so they can't go too slow. - When the legs start to fall, the swimmer will need to tighten their core to keep the line rigid. - When they've mastered keeping the legs in line, when they start to add the kick back in, the goal is that the kick is now more propulsive than supportive.


Watch over 150 more freestyle videos dealing with freestyle body-position - http://gosw.im/2aVpxsF Making sure the back doesn't slope in freestyle can help swim...mers go faster. Why do it: When the swimmers stabilize their core, they can rotate quicker and decrease resistance that can come from the hips dropping. How to do it: 1 - Hold the pull-buoy at the ankles and swim. 2 - Tighten the mid-section of your body to make sure the hips stay on the surface, not sinking. 3 - After a few strokes, drop the pull-buoy and swim, keeping the core tight, and the hips close to the surface. How to do it really well (the fine points): By working on stability first, when this skill is mastered, we can them move on to focus on length, and catch In a workout setting, when the swimmers drop the pull-buoy, it leaves a great target for underwater dolphins to go back and pick it up. This incorporates a couple skills into a consistent set.


Create your free account here, and get a new video everyday - http://gosw.im/2dCZ2ZG For MANY more videos on Breaststroke Kick, click here - http://gosw.im/2fqO...U64 Cleaning up the old standby drill of breaststroke kick on your back, can add more direction and line to your swimming. Why do it: Besides the obvious benefits of learning to recover the legs BEHIND the body, rather than tucking the knees up, by focusing on the finished bodyline and direction of the press, your kick can become more effective. How to do it: 1 - If, when focusing on "touching the heels", the body goes out of line, put a pull buoy on the swimmer to show him the correct line, or encourage him to NOT "touch the heels". 2 - Encourage the swimmer to hold a short glide at the completion of each kick. 3 - This is a simple drill, but shouldn't be rushed. Focus on turning the feet out at the top of the kick, and finishing to a balanced body with pointed toes. 4 - Move the hands to a streamline position and repeat. How to do it really well (the fine points): From above the water, watch for any "bob", or bouncing of the head when the kick pushes back. When the head is flat during the recovery, and press of the kick, the swimmer is using a more productive kick, but in the recovery and press.


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