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Great comments on a lot of different threads. In the interest of keeping everyone on the same page, here are a few reminders/clarifications. (1). This page is only being used to gather information at this point. There aren't any plans in place. Don't expect a new water park next year. (2). Please don't bash any other pools. Remember, a private club is no different than if you owned a pool in your backyard. Owners have every rights to handle it how they want. (3). We are not ONLY considering proposing a city owned/operated pool. Any solution (another swim club, a for-profit facility, etc.) needs to be considered. So let's keep talking and keep it productive. Hopefully we can get something done together.


There's good news and bad news. The bad news is that it looks like activity on this page is drying up. We wound up with about 220 signatures on the petition/poll. Not exactly a resounding call for action. However, the good news is pretty good. The approach to this page has been intentionally conservative. Other than a few posts and sharing the petition site on two Fort Thomas-related group pages, not much was done to promote it. And still, a lot of people came togethe...r and shared some nice information and insights on the subject. Hopefully this is a first step in a larger conversation. What I think is clear is that a lot of Fort Thomas residents desire another public pool in the city. The practicality of it and what form it should take are the much more complicated questions that will need to be considered at a later date. This page will remain open. Please feel free to use it if anyone care to continue the conversation here. Thanks everyone for your participation. See more


Please keep sharing the petition link. We had 162 signatures in just under 24 hours. A solid start!


In the interest of equal representation, does anyone have any arguments against a new public or membership pool facility in Fort Thomas? Assume barriers such as land and expense can be figured out (other pools have figured it out so it has to be possible). From a purely community impact perspective, is there a negative to such an endeavor?


The petition site has tapered off. Just over 200 signatures. About 1/3 as many signatures yesterday as the day before.


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