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Why not give Red Light/Green Light or Motorboat, Motorboat a try? These games encourage swimmers to practice their kicks on the side and in the water. Target Audience: Young swimmers still working on mastering their flutter kick.


Do you have a group of kids looking to play a fun game in the water? Try Sharks and Minnows! Target Audience: Small groups of kids that are able to swim under underwater for prolonged distances.


Need a fun way to work on swimming, controlling breathing, and opening your eyes underwater? Pull out some sinky toys and play Sinky Toy Elimination! Target Audience: Groups of swimmers (in the same social bubble of course) who are able to swim to the bottom and want to have fun competing.


Boating is one of the most common activities linked with drowning deaths in Canada. It's important to plan ahead and prepare for an outing on the boat. Check the weather, tell someone where you're going (and for how long!), bring someone with you, and always remember your lifejacket and safety kit. #wearalifejacket #swimwithabuddy #makeaplan #checktheweather #safeboating


81% of victims that drowned while boating in 2019 were not wearing a lifejacket or personal floatation device (PFD). PFD's keep you floating at the surface, while lifejackets also keep your face out of the water. Regardless of swimming ability, lifejackets/PFD's are important to wear in case of emergency. #wearalifejacket #lifejacketssavelives


Our Water Safety message for this week... take swimming lessons! It’s important to build your comfort and confidence in the water, while gaining knowledge and skills that will keep you safe. When it’s safe to do so, get registered! If you’ve completed your swimming lessons and are a strong, confident swimmer, consider becoming a lifeguard!... Here’s Alex, a certified Lifesaving Instructor, with a thorough explanation of the steps you’ll need to take: https://youtu.be/sZ7dHRVbAvo


We hope you all had a wonderful Civic Holiday weekend! Here's Keana with our fourth weekly workout. Target Audience: Bluefins, competitive swimmers, and non-competitive swimmers with well-developed strokes. Workout: Posted in comments below.... Video: A quick verbal explanation of the workout.


Wanna learn how to dive? Here’s a video, by Ainhoa and Këana, to get you started! Target Audience: Swimmers who are comfortable jumping in, swimming underwater, and are able to recover from disorienting entries and return to the wall.


Thank you to Hilary Thomson and everyone at the NG Times for putting this article together!


Hey NG! Welcome to our third weekly workout. Remember to comment with any questions or comments you may have! Target Audience: Bluefins, competitive swimmers, and non-competitive swimmers with well-developed strokes. Workout: Posted in comments below.... Video: Quick overview of workout for those who need it!


Here's your fifth weekly workout! Target Audience: Bluefins, competitive swimmers, and non-competitive swimmers with well-developed strokes. Workout: Posted in the comments below.


Want to learn how to swim front crawl? Here's Brett and Ainhoa with an explanation, demonstration, and some tips. Front crawl is the easiest and most efficient stroke, and is usually the first stroke a swimmer learns. This is a complex skill to master from a 2 minute video, so please ask for help if needed or send in a video for us to watch and provide feedback. Target Audience: Swimmers who are able to easily and comfortably glide through the water on their fronts using well-developed flutter kick.


Did you know that capsizing and falling or being thrown overboard account for over 70% of boating incidents that lead to drowning? It's important to be prepared in the event you are in a boating accident. First, wear a lifejacket. Second, stay calm. Third, swim to safety or call for help. To stay warm, try the H.E.L.P. position or huddling up with others.


This week we're treading water! This skill is a super important one to learn as swimmers move into deeper water, as it allows them to keep their heads out of the water when staying still. Target Audience: Swimmers who are able to move around comfortably in deep water. Swimmers learning to tread often start out with a different kick than eggbeater - that's okay! As long as they are vertical, stationary, and keeping their heads above the water, they are treading. Challenge yourself and younger swimmers to tread for longer periods of time and with less support to build strength and endurance.


Website: www.youtube.com/channel/UCla-RR9T5Ka6TBb2TxgURoA/?disable_polymer=true

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