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Are you ready? Launching 6pm AEST tonight on ezswim.com.au


Save 1 second per lap by learning to do a proper tumble turn! If your swimming 400m that could be learning to improve your speed by on average 15seconds! Tag someone in the comments below who’s trying to learn Tumble turns rather than a touch and push off help you keep momentum as you swim. ... These ones take practice and lots of it, but when you’ve got the hang of it well worth it! How to- 1Pass the T on the bottom of the pool till your hand is almost at the wall 2Take one strong pull down and follow your head with your arm downwards 3Tuck your chin to your chest and pull your knees to your chest and complete a somersault (keeping your knees tucked in) 4When your feet hit the wall, turning over onto stomach and strong push off with both feet 5 Pushing off with arms in a streamline position Complete 4 dolphin/fly kicks and continue swimming to remember is your body will follow where your head goes


I wish I learnt how to swim properly when I was younger I need to fix my swimming I have heard this exact same wish from so many people in the last year. I have worked with people training for triathalons and people who love fitness just wanted to improve their swimming abilities and in their words wanted to learn some new tricks! Tri Swim and the starter program are available online ready to help make your swim leg that little bit less intimidating, but still gi...ve you all the flexibility with your training... And it’s as easy as 1,2,3 to use! 1. Print out the downloadable PDF session 2. Laminate it or pop it in a zip lock bag to have on pool deck 3. Grab your gear and head to the pool! Perfect to use if you are A Beginner Triathlete Someone Looking for a new way to exercise Someone who doesn’t have time to join a squad but trains in their own time You’ll get 2 swim sessions available per week for 12 weeks. Use them as they are, or if your a little more advanced why not join them together! The starter program is stacked with drills to help your stroke when breathing Tri Swim is for someone starting out training for a 1500m Swim, to help get you more swim fit, with sessions starting at 1km building towards 2.6km Happy Swimming! www.ezswim.com.au


Happy Hump Day! For those of you who are just starting out on your swimming journey, who are looking to try new ways to try and improve your timing and technique when it comes to breathing with your freestyle, and just can’t quite get the hang of it. There is currently a new 12 week program up on ezswim.com.au called the 12 week starter program. If your looking for a program that a beginner can follow, check it out and any questions to it, you can always shoot me a DM ... Happy swimming!


In case you missed it, the website is now live. Head over to www.ezswim.com.au to connect to the newsletter, be the first to hear of new products or sneaky discounts The Tri Swim Program with Ez Swim will be available from Sunday 6pm AEST. Get ready to join me if your training for your first or 2nd Olympic Distance Tri (1500m Swim) Work on your fitness, speed and arm endurance over the 12 weeks with 24 swim sessions build your confidence in your training for the swim for those of you just starting out. In the mean time why not try out one of the free starter swim sessions available now on the website, have a great day


Are you currently trying to change a lot of your freestyle all at once. Just like building a house, start with the foundation. Think FLAB for the order when your learning to put the stroke together or make a lot of changes that way you can simplify and isolate skills to improve Floating ... Legs Arms Breathing This will help keep your overall body position in the water horizontal and easier to complete the new skills/drills This might even help give you some ideas if your a bit stuck on what else you can do other than just laps in the pool!


High elbows to help use less energy as you swim Zip freestyle drill; drag your thumb alongside torso through to armpits then long reach out in front to get a strong anchor to push your arm through the water. Create less resistance during recovery and create a stronger anchor with your arm to propel you through the water, stop just spinning your arms recklessly over


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