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AND JUST LIKE THAT the 'Braved Warehouse' is back open for 2021! We are busy packing orders from our closure period & these orders will be shipped tomorrow! 2021 is the year for BIG things ... #australianmade #sustainablefashion #ecoswimwear #functionalswimwear #swimwearbasics #goldcoast #braved See more


DAY 27 - DAWN WARRIOR Bravery is about allowing yourself to be vulnerable. It is about showing your lights and shades, your strengths and weaknesses.... In a world where people value confidence and toughness, those who dare to let go of their armour of perfection are notably brave. For me, bravery is finding my greatness, the more I was created for. It is about being the inspired, successful mama, partner and friend I’ve always dreamt of being. Being brave is letting my feelings out into the world and accepting my mistakes and pain. My bravery is fuelled when I rise and radiate with awareness, intention one morning at a time as a ‘Dawn Warrior’. Only then, can I be brave and give that little piece of me each day to those who need it. I wouldn’t be the woman I am today without bravery. Let bravery be your story. Embrace who you are in this world and give that little piece of you that you were born to give Thank you sharing with us Tara! Tara is a wonderful mum of two currently writing a book and building a program that uses the power of mornings to help other busy mums reconnect with their purpose and passions. Go give her some love! #31daysofbraved #dawnwarrior #dawnwarriorlife #bravewoman #youareenough #believeinyourself #selfgrowthjourney #selfgrowth


Happiest of birthdays to this gorgeous woman!! @charleee__mayy


DAY 30 - Angelika Schriber - Champion Wakeboarder and Health Coach Today we introduce you all to Ange! Ange started her career in water-skiing at the age of 5, and was representing her country by the age of 12, breaking South African records. After her water-skiing career she transitioned into boat-riding where she gained the junior world title and competed in the Australian Pro Tour. ... In 2005 Cable Ski Cairns opened and Angelika decided to make to move to Cable Wakeboarding which is now her full time profession. In 2012 Angelika became the first female to be a double world champion in Abu Dhabi at the WWA Wake Park World Championships, she was the first female to land a switch Heelside 900 rotational spin & won the Transworld best trick of the year. She now provides private 1-on-1 coaching with her partner and former world champion Matty Hasler, and offers challenges to introduce new people to the sport. She has a mission to inspire others by being a positive role model to others - particularly to women in the sport. Ange hosts Ladies 10-Week challenges at the Gold Coast Wake Park, giving women the chance to learn and feel comfortable in a wonderful community. Whether you're wanting to improve your wakeboarding skills, give it a crack for the first time, or looking for a group of friends to connect with - Ange provides the perfect way to do so! She is a passionate about helping others on their wakeboarding journey and is equally as passionate about nutrition and wellness. Thanks for sharing with us Ange, you're a rock star! Angelika Schriber #wakewithange


DAY 21 SHELL WHYATT Since my early teens, mental health is something I’ve always struggled with. It’s been a battle for almost 15 years of pushing through anxiety and diagnosed depression that seem to appear with no triggers. This invisible ‘illness’ had stopped me from getting involved in any new activities. I was in a constant battle of not feeling ‘enough’. This consumed my whole teenage years and early twenty’s. I was so sick of holding myself back. Holding myself b...ack from trying to learn things because I was afraid. The self-doubt and mean voice in my head kept telling me I couldn’t do things, that I would look stupid, that I would fail and everyone else doing those things will always be better. I challenged myself for the first time since I was a very young child and I started skateboarding. I started just rolling around, and then turning, then figured how to stay stable going down hills and eventually took my skills to the skatepark. I learned everything I knew in just 6 months and surprised not only myself, but others around as to how quick I picked it up. I felt empowered for the first time. I was inspired and having fun. Something clicked. I want to learn how to surf. I have memories of being pushed into waves by my dad at a young age but I never developed the skills myself. I grew up in Byron Bay and am surrounded by a surfing family. I wanted to be a part of it finally. I failed many, many times. There were tears, blood and tantrums. I felt so challenged by the ocean but so driven to figure this out. I never gave up even though this bully in my head told me to so many times. Fast forward 2 years and the struggle is constantly there but I am so happy I never gave in. I’m willing to learn and to fail and try again for as long as my body allows. Surfing has helped my mental health more than anything. The feeling is unexplainable. I hope to inspire other people just like I was, who are feeling afraid, to be brave and to just start. Start whatever it is you have been putting off for so long. And if you don’t believe in yourself, I do " Thank you for sharing your incredible story @shellwhyatt #31daysofbraved


DAY 22 - TOMORROW IS NOT PROMISED - Ashleigh’s Story "I always did well at school and university, I got a great ATAR which I was proud of, maybe not more so then my parents however. I loved to travel and be outdoors and after school that was all I wanted to do. However I felt this huge pressure to do something amazing with my results, to become a doctor, a lawyer, an accountant or some other highly respected, well paying job. So I took a gap year. ... It was the best time of my life. Travelling, being outdoors and going on adventures are things I value so much and that year made me feel alive. Upon returning that pressure snuck back in, that I needed to get a full time job or go to university. I completed a degree in Exercise Physiology and then a Diploma of Paramedical Science. I feel into the trap of studying, getting a job, working long hours, saving for a house and you know the rest. Whilst I didn’t mind the work, it didn’t light me up, not the way travelling, surfing, snowboarding and photography did. You read quotes everyday about following your dreams, life is short, but there is always this underlying pull to stay in your job and pursue the safe, well paved path. Less than a year ago my beloved father passed away. It was, and still is the hardest thing I have ever had to experience. In the space of 24 hours he went from being a loud, loving and happy man, ready to retire, travel, and enjoy his retirement after years of working hard and rarely taking a sick day, to someone who would never be able to talk, laugh, eat or drink again for the next 9 months before his passing. I always knew life was short but this really opened my eyes to just how short life can be and just how precious it is. I no longer want to take the safe path, one that doesn’t light me up, one where I have to work so hard for a future that is not promised to me. I take the path that I know he would want for me now, one where I love what I do, one that aligns with my values, and with the confidence to do so without fear or any pressure from society". Thank you for sharing your story with us Ashleigh - you are incredible xx @ashleighcampbell91 @ashleighkatephoto #31daysofbraved


Does anyone else just feel so REFRESHED after spending the weekend in the water Normally I’m a beach girl but this weekend I visited the most beautiful inland creek for a different kind of getaway. This year I have committed to a new adventure every single month. Whether it be exploring a new place or trying a new activity! And I encourage you to do the same! ... Be sure to use our hashtag #iambraved if you are sharing your adventures so we can follow along too When we step outside our comfort zone and try new things, that’s when the magic happens... And 2021 deserves to be a magical year! #australianmade #sustainablefashion #ecoswimwear #functionalswimwear #swimwearbasics #goldcoast #braved #iambraved See more


DAY 24 RICH IN THE MOMENTS I’ve always been drawn towards things that broaden my perspective and challenge me and my perceptions. Which is probably why I enjoy surfing so much (even though it often frightens me and I’m getting my ass kicked most of the time) and why my career path has included me being an Army Sergeant, a psychiatric health worker, and most recently a Leadership development consultant. But in addition to that, I am a dreamer. Something that really scares... me is getting to the end and not having dared to follow my dreams. As far as we know, we only get this one rare chance, and nobody knows how long we get to enjoy it. Which is why we packed up and left our life (friends, family, careers) in Norway to go surfing in Indonesia, and to do a road trip along the southern coast of Australia from west to east. Enjoying the slow pace of living free and outdoors, having more moments than things. Without a plan other than to enjoy life, take it as it comes and make whatever comes work. Every day I feel grateful for daring to follow my heart, and for choosing to have this mindset. We might not be as economically well off as we could have been, but we’re rich in the sense of being healthy and well, creating the life we want, and (as we discovered I was pregnant during our trip) now growing a loving family of our own Thank you so much for sharing your story with us Caroline xx @carasollo


Day 29 - OUR FRONTLINE HEROS Today we are taking a day to recognise and appreciate our incredibly brave frontline workers who are working tirelessly everyday to save lives and prevent this pandemic from threatening our homes. A dear friend on mine who is a registered nurse told me today:... "If we end up like Italy, China or America we will be deciding who lives and who dies. At 22 years old I didn't expect to come into this profession to not be able to do the best we can for every person who walks through the doors of any hospital. And if we run out of ventilators that’s exactly what we will be doing" @maddiekay_08 This virus is not going away anytime soon. It is still a major threat to our vulnerable loved ones, to ourselves, to our economy, our small businesses, our children. While our state has had a good run of no new cases - we have learnt today just how easily our efforts can be undone if we are reckless and irresponsible. "We need to be a strong community to get through this" And that means we all need to do our own part to keep each other safe. If you aren't doing it for you, at least do it for your parents, your grandparents, your church elders, your vulnerable loved ones. Thank you to our frontline heroes for showing bravery like no other photo credit to @themedicalmom #31daysofbraved


DAY 20 SHANIKKA’S STORY December 17th 2016 was the day my life changed forever... I walked out the bathroom with 7 pregnancy tests, every one of them having a positive sign. How am I meant to be a mum?! I’m I child myself! I’m not going to be any good at it! ... As months went out, the excitement started to kick in. I couldn’t wait to be a mum, I kept thinking to myself maybe this was all meant to happen, this is all part of some amazing plan. I had reduced movements for a while, so I went to the hospital and they immediately didn’t like what they were seeing. They needed to induce me the next day. The fear then all come flooding back. I was not mentally prepared to be having my baby on the due date, which was still 3 weeks away, let alone TOMORROW! The induction lasted 12 hours and after that I was in labour for 9 hours and at 8.5 hours it was push time, I remember looking at my midwife and partner and telling them I’m not ready for baby to come (we didn’t know the sex!). I remember asking my midwife if we can just hold off the pushing for a bit (oh Shanikka ). It was the last push and she was on my chest. I looked down at her, and every single thought of fear just vanished. My biggest fear of not being good enough or being too young was gone. At exactly 9:25pm on August 16th my role as a mum made sense Thank you for sharing with us Shanikka Pearson You are an absolute inspiration to young mothers everywhere! You should be so proud that you are raising your beautiful girl to be the same strong, brave woman that you are xx #31daysofbraved


Designed with functionality as the number 1 priority, this set is your ultimate active swimwear staple! Go out for a surf, then jump straight into your morning run up the beach OR hike your favourite rainforest track and dive straight into an inviting swimming hole. - Power mesh lining for max bust support... - Double-lined for strength & seamless for style - Inserts for your desired level of padding - Double, thick adjustable straps - Medium coverage bikini cut - Sustainable & Australian Made Don't forget you can mix & match sizes and styles See more


DAY 26 JESS - AS WE WANDER In 2016, my partner Luke and I were on holiday at my parents’ house up in Queensland and saw an ad of someone selling a caravan. Luke turned to me and said, ‘what if we just pack up our lives, buy a caravan and travel around Australia?’ That conversation quickly turned into a reality when 2 months later we signed for a caravan. We hadn’t told our friends, family or our workplaces. We just did it! We gave ourselves 10 months to save for our lap ...and I told my workplace of 8 years that I was leaving. This was a job that I loved, and I was completely stepping out of my comfort zone. I was leaving my co-workers, friends, family and the place I had lived for 27 years behind. The year quickly passed, and it was time for us to leave, I still remember the feeling of driving away from Melbourne to go on a crazy adventure that no one really understood. We had several people tell us we wouldn’t be able to do it and we would be back home within 6 months. I was so nervous; our lives were about to completely change. A few months in I started to miss my friends and family. I have always been someone that loved to be surrounded by my friends and family so to not have them around was definitely hard mentally. It was also so hard not working and having a creative outlet to put my energy into. We hit the 6-month mark and we had gotten our groove, this is when it hit us that this was our everyday, our way of living. I soon started an Instagram account so we could photograph and share our travels, and this was the best thing I could have done, it gave me something to focus on and put energy into. We are now over 2 years into our life on the road and I wouldn’t change it any other way, I do miss my friends and family but it’s so easy to keep in touch. Our Instagram account has also given us amazing opportunities and it has given us the ability to continue this lifestyle and live on the road full time. I am so glad we took the plunge and did something so out of the norm, I am the happiest I have been in years and I get to spend every day with my best friend adventuring and exploring beautiful places! @_aswewander #31daysofbraved


DAY 23 - KAT BURKE - Holistic Heath Coach Today Kat tells us a little about her journeyfrom being at rock bottom to becoming the woman she is today: I was sick with multiple illnesses for years, working full time in a high stress job, running free yoga classes just to teach, building websites & YouTube. I hadn’t had a partner in 7 years. I was moving to a new house, planning to travel to India to volunteerand I was burning out.... My world changed after meeting a group of women who were creating what I had always envisioned. With them, I found the solution to all my health issues, I joined them as a coach and started finally getting income and (more importantly) support and love for all my efforts. I knew so many who were stuck or sick and I just wanted to help, but doing this work alone was hard. When I chose this path, I was in more debt than I’d ever been. I also didn’t realise, but society had some nasty opinions about the industry I was choosing. I was attacked for my choices, rejected from friendships. I was called all sorts of names. It was exhausting and unexpected in a time when I was still trying to heal myself. I can’t explain how intuition works, but trusting it led me to the path of everything I had begged the universe for. When you see how powerful an agent for change you are in your life, you won’t go back to ordinary. There’s so much more to my story but for now I leave you with this; there is no final destination because when we achieve what we want, we always want more. It’s about learning how to dance on the journey. Lean into discomfort and only take advice from those who have achieved what you want (read that again). Being brave is a journey, there’s always light and dark but every time you chose to be the light you create more light. That’s what changes the world. YOU Thank you for sharing with us Kat @lovelyradical


HAPPY BOXING DAY EVERYONE! We hope everyone had a safe, incredible Christmas Day and are ready for some Boxing Day salesssss To celebrate Boxing Day this year we have now introduced Afterpay! Just select the Afterpay payment option at checkout to pay off your order in 4 equal instalments over 2 months ... We are also giving away 2 x HUGE DISCOUNTS for those who order a set or bundle today - keep an eye out on our stories today for your chance to win the discount code! Get your cart ready & keep an eye out for the code which will be posted at random today First two people to apply the codes and check out WIN ! See more


MERRY CHRISTMAS Wishing everyone and their families a safe & magical festive season! These holidays, be sure to fill your bellies up with delicious food, make moments with your loved ones, be silly, have a dance & treat yourself to a little pressie or two. ... For those who are unable to be with friends and family this year due to these unfortunate times remember you have communities around that will love to share these joyful times with you. If you have no where to be today the Braved door is always open! Love Crystal & Braved Australia See more


Designed for coverage and comfortability! This set is our go-to for looking cute & staying sun safe this summer - Lower neckline to avoid rubbing on the chin - UVP 50+ sun protection - Cropped length... - Open-end zipper to style the way you want - Seamless legs to avoid digging in at the legs - Sustainable & Australian Made #australianmade #sustainablefashion #ecoswimwear #functionalswimwear #swimwearbasics #goldcoast #braved See more


Our Bandeau & Cheeky Bottoms are a crowd favourite set this summer AND why wouldn't they be! This set has everything going for it! Perfect for lounging around the pool & getting those tan lines fixed right up OR pop on the removable straps for some fun in the waves ... - Powermesh lining for maximum bust support - Elastic high-waist for a strong hold - Extra cheeky Brazilian cut - Inserts for your desired level of padding - Removable 15mm straps (with adjusters) included #australianmade #sustainablefashion #ecoswimwear #functionalswimwear #swimwearbasics #goldcoast #braved #bandeau #cheekycut See more


DAY 31 - EVERYONE HAS A STORY WORTH TELLING Whatamonth '31 Days of Braved' has had us feature some INCREDIBLE women in our community. From athletes, to artists, to travellers, to photographers. ... This month has seen both happy and sad tears, wanderlust, inspiration and women showing ALL kinds of bravery. I am hoping that you were able to connect and be inspired by at least one story this month To the women who openly shared their stories - a huge thank you from the bottom of my heart If there is one thing that this month has taught me, its that every single person has a story worth telling. Every person has a story of their own. A story of happiness, strength, sadness, confidence or bravery. We all have one. Everyone has a lesson, or a an experience that has shaped their lives in some way and helped build resilience. Your story makes you unique and special. For those of you who have followed along this month thank you! Your support means the world to small business's like ours Samples coming very soon @lexyrosexo @xantheia.pennisi @lunar.vibrations @rosannamarianthi @photographybychanell @sade.ferguson @lexielimitless @lindahatchett_ @saltyfolk @jaz.mccorquodale @_adventurewithjess @jadecookofficial @elyssajadee @elizajade__ @eve_christie @katieland97 @shanikkapearson @shellwhyatt @ashleighkatephoto @lovelyradical @carasollo @_tayajoy @_aswewander @dawnwarriorlife @sarah5ash @maddiekay_08 @angelikaschriber


DAY 25 - WHAT IS BRAVERY? - by Lataya Joy Bravery. Mental or moral strength to face danger fear or difficulty. A courageous behaviour to be your own hero. I can think of many significant instances where I have been brave. Travelling the world for months on end. Moving overseas and interstate. Starting new jobs. Stepping out of an abusive relationship. Overcoming years of depression and anxiety. Learning to love again. Buying a first home with my beautiful partner. These... are some major personal experiences of bravery that come to mind. Big picture stuff. However, what I think is also important to focus on, are those little acts of bravery that we ALL do each day. Those finer details that require courage and add up to change. Speaking up when you don’t agree. Wearing that outfit even when you’re not feeling confident. Learning a new skill. Walking into a crowded room when you don’t know anyone. Starting a personal challenge. Getting up and starting the day when you’re feeling low. Then, some things require a constant fight that are harder than others, but all require bravery and strength. Self love. Mastering your inner critic. Taking care of a sick loved one. Letting go of past experiences. All of which, again, make you stronger bit by bit. I think we all face bravery each day. And without knowing or realising it, we’re constantly overcoming new obstacles and hurdles that only make us stronger. Even in our darkest days. I think we should all acknowledge these and be proud of our bravery, little and big. All of these deserve to be celebrated, even if it’s only you who knows. And hey, this post required me to be brave. So, I’m saying to myself Hell yer, I just did that. Thank you for sharing such beautiful words @_tayajoy


DAY 19 - KATIE’S STORY In early 2020, I packed my bags for a 6 month work placement bound for the outback town of Longreach in Central West Queensland. I left my city lifestyle behind and drove 13 hours from any family and friends to start a new life and new work adventure. With a population of 2,000 people, Longreach was a significant change from the bustling Brisbane streets. ... I was extremely nervous to start again, not knowing if I would make friends and/or adapt to the country lifestyle. Only a month after arriving, Queensland went into lockdown with COVID-19, preventing me from visiting any family and friends back home. At this uncertain time, I was beginning to experience the comraderie and quintessential Australian ‘mateship’ spirit that makes small country towns wonderful. Every time I walked down the Main Street, people would stop to introduce themselves and be interested in hearing my background, and sharing their COVID-19 challenges too. Those that I met through work were only too kind to continually check-in with me about how I was handling the change, and offered to join me to explore local sites in the region once restrictions had eased. Coming from a big city, my country experience has profoundly changed my outlook: I have learnt what it means to have a community that looks out for each other, and I have learnt that it is the simple delights, like a great sunset and great company, that brings me the most happiness in my life. My experience will hold a special place in my heart, and I would recommend anyone else to be brave if they are thinking of trying a new adventure outside of their comfort zone Thank you for sharing beautiful girl!! #31daysofbraved


DAY 28 - HABIT RESILIENCE On the 20th July, 2010 I set foot on my first European adventure with a one way ticket! Little did I know this trip would change my life for the better!... I began my travels with a friend. We based ourselves out of England at her extended family residence. Although after a few short months she started showing her true colours, she became very demanding, made me feel inadequate, caused trouble for me at home and controlled me. Ultimately, I had to make the judgement of whether to return to Australia with her or continue my trip solo. I was scared, no where to go, no friends, budget restricted and stuck on the other side of the world?! Never ever had I thought I would have to prepare myself to travel alone and at only 19 years old! There was just NO WAY I was giving up on this adventure! I asked my family if they knew of anyone in Europe that I could visit until I got a job, it could be anywhere, I didn’t care at this point. My older sister had a high school pen-pal she used to write to in Scotland named Claire. They had later befriended each other on social media. She quickly reached out and said My sister is in trouble, she needs help, can she come stay with you for two weeks?. So, I packed my things, jumped on a bus and travelled 10 hours to meet a girl that used to be my sisters high school pen pal in the early 2000’s. 2 weeks turned in to 5 months and I wouldn’t change a darn thing! I was able to live with the most beautiful family, work over the winter, travel to many countries, have a white Christmas, put myself outside of my comfort zone and immerse myself in the rich culture. Claire and I are incredibly close we still FaceTime often and reminisce, we were so lucky to cross paths. Continuing solo made me grow up more than anything else to this day. This kind of habit resilience really showed my ability to bounce back when things didn’t go as planned, to stay positive, to encourage myself , to forgive myself, to be loving and compassionate with myself, to shake it off and start again afresh. To learn and grow from struggles, to be BRAVE Thank you so much for sharing with us Sarah! @sarah5ash #31daysofbraved


Website: http://www.bravedaustralia.com/

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