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Recent events have caused a spike in our Covid-19 infections. I have been tested negative but will remain 6ft away on property and take appropriate precautions if I handle any customer owned equipment. Stay safe everyone!


If you find yourself reading this, and are at risk and scared to go get needed supplies please contact me. I'm a one man operation but I am willing to help. I can pickup and deliver needed things to those at risk, I only ask you cover the cost of whatever you need and gas as I'm not in a position to do so. Be safe everyone and God bless you all.


I will be conducting business as normal during the crisis unless otherwise stated. Please stay safe and keep those around you in your prayers, just in case this becomes worse. If you need help outside of pool work give me a call or email and I'll see what I can do. Thanks again for your business!


If you received an invoice for the month and it was significantly lower than normal, it was intentional. Until we all get back to work use the extra $ to take care of your friends and family, or donate to those in need. Thanks for being so awesome!


Phone: +1 405-589-1009

Followers: 23


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