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I often get asked 'What about the bigger kids? Can you teach them too?' Well, check out 7 year old Jaxon! When you're fully skilled, clothes, socks and shoes are no problem. You're never too old to become an aquatic problem solver!


Trade in your Puddle Jumper for $20 off your last week of lessons! Puddle Jumpers reinforce the dangerous vertical swimming posture and give children a false sense of security in the water.


You can find us chillin here at ISR refresher lessons, getting summer ready!


"Of course Willow cried at times during lessons, just as she does when I strap her into her car seat. But, obviously I have never once taken her out of her car seat and held her while I drove simply because she was crying. We must move past the fear of what if they cry?"


Wrapped up another great session today! I love witnessing the growth in skills and confidence for these little ones. It often carries over to other aspects of their lives and I am so blessed to be part of that!


Skills before Thrills!


ISR was featured on The Today Show this morning. Bode Miller and his wife share their story and talk about how to keep your kids safe! *Find a certified ISR instructor near you* www.infantswim.com


The ISR Self-Rescue instruction our students receive is the product of over 45 years of research. ISR Instructors must complete an annual re-certification process to maintain the highest level of instruction and results.


Day 3 of lessons, 20 months old. Way to go, Ruby!


9 month old Wyatt thinks floats are something to smile about! I agree! #thesoonerthesafer


Here is 4 year old Nicolas showing off his new skills. Even heavy clothing doesn't slow him down!


"What's wrong with Puddle Jumpers? I thought they keep my child safe!" Here's what you should consider before you put your child in one this weekend.


As summer fades into fall, swimming is still in full swing for us FL people! If you're registered for this final session of the year, please check your email! See you soon, ISR Family!


Happy 4th of July!


When practicing your Self-Rescue skills while fully clothed has you feeling like Superman!


When part of your job is swimming with the cutest little mermaids.


What do you hear in this video? I hear an 18 month old girl who is taking breaths. What do you see in this video? I see a fully clothed child with a solid roll back and float. ... This is Self-Rescue Swimming! This is ISR!


ISR Summer Session : June 7th Morning - Early Afternoon Appointments If you are on the waiting list, please check your e-mail for registration info Open Registration begins March 15th... Message me for details See more


Attention Military and First Responder families! If you have a child that needs to become skilled in the water, please ask about the discount available to you. It is a privilege to serve your family!


Phone: +1 863-632-3795

Followers: 612


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