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HELLO!!! Hope you all are excited for the holiday weekend! We just wanted to let you all know that we will be CLOSED both Friday the 3rd and Saturday the 4th!


Happy Thursday! I hope you all are ready for your weekend holiday fun in the pool! If you are left with BBQ sauce or any other foreign things in your pool (HAHA) call us on Monday and schedule us to come out to test and treat your water! Even though your pool is clear the chemicals could be off! WE WILL COME TO YOU! NO HASSLE NO WORRY!!... Let a professional come test your water and apply chemicals needed to balance you pool or treat your water...POOLSIDE!! We will test your chlorine, PH, total alkalinity, calcium hardness, AND CHECK FOR ANY POSSIBLE ALGAE!!! THE TEST IS FREE!!! You only pay when chemicals are needed and an additional $20 fee!!


Phone: +1 410-535-9822

Website: http://www.scottspools.com

Followers: 62


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