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Guidance/ Rules for family swim sessions. PRIOR TO ARRIVAL: - Please ensure children have been to the toilet before you leave your house to reduce the number of times the toilet here is used. ... - Please arrive swim ready under your normal clothing. - There will be NO shower available before or after swimming so a shower prior to arrival if at all possible would be greatly appreciated. - Please bring any armbands/woggles/ floats/ sinkers you may want to use with you as our equipment will not be available to use. -Please if you have ANY symptoms of Covid or are feeling unwell in anyway cancel your session. Same rules apply for sickness etc 48hr after illness ends before you can swim. ONCE AT THE POOL - There will be hand sanitising gel, antibacterial wipes and sprays available in many locations around the pool please use what you want. - Please only arrive 5-10 min max before your time slot and stay in your car until i call you in for the session to avoid too many people in the pool hall. - The brown entrance door will be open, dependant on weather the white inside door may also be open, however if not hand gel will be there to use prior to opening. - There will be plastic boxes in the entrance, please take one and place all shoes in there and then carry it in to place all clothing in to keep everything together. - Please use the white chairs/ changing area only as these can be easily cleaned. - Please remember no running on poolside - I will be there as lifeguard.. there will not be a teacher in the water. - Exit will be via the fire exit and round the back of the pool ( everything will be signed) - Please leave your box at the door once you have your shoes on for me to clean. - Please ensure any wipes used in the toilet/changing area are disposed of in the bin. NO wipes/sanitry items are to be put down the toilet only toilet paper. - Hopefully the 15minutes between lessons allow for everyone to be sorted and ready to leave before the next class however please take care to socially distance if needed. - I will ensure after every session doors, seating and surfaces will of been cleaned. - Finally and most importantly PLEASE have fun and enjoy being back in the water!! I cant wait to see you all. If there is anything i have missed once the day progressess i will add it later. Payment details are same as the lesson account, however i will have details poolside for everyone needing them. Please pay per week before your lesson ( will sort tomorrows as we gp) so we can keep track easily and no issues with refunds if any circumstances change and we have to cancel. Many Thanks The Little Fishes Team.


Hi everyone. We hope you and our little fishes are keeping safe and well, we are certainly missing everyone! We are awaiting an important update on June 15th and will then hopefully be able to tell you more regarding our reopening plans. At the moment it is looking like possibly early July. As a quick guidance which of our parents and swimmers would be happy to be back asap?? Once we have the update we will publish full Covid operating procedures to follow, however strict m...eausres in place for safety, one door in one door out, cleaning regimes, sanitiser at the door, seating cleaned between lessons just for starters. We would like a quick guide as to how many numbers we would potentially be looking at so we can look at times/classes to ensure we can run as safely and smoothly as possible. I will also be shortly posting about children who come sept will need to move from daytime to after school spaces, which in turn will then open the diary for new pre school classes to start come Sept. Many Thanks Little Fishes Team


** Adult only & Family swims ** Wednesday and Thursday am We will currently be offering both Adult and family swims, this will be whilst space is available, but at least until end of October possibly longer. ... 22 per family or 20 Adult. If your lucky enough to be able to come during the daytime, come enjoy the private pool for a hours swim with a lifeguard supervising. It is a private pool, in a peaceful setting with a strict cleaning regime, and procedures in place to ensure upmost safety during uncertain times. No need to commit every week just as and when you can. Times available next week: Wednesdsy 11.30-12.30 12.45-1.45 Thursday 9.45- 10.45 10.55-11.55 12.00-1.00 1.30-2.30 If you are interested in booking please comment or message.


Due to the announcement today and the governments decision we are all deeply upset and frustrated we will be unable to open early July like originally planned . We had ensured every area had been risk assesed in thorough detail to allow us to open safely for teachers, swimmers and parents. We cant wait to have you all back as soon as possible, sorry its now going to be longer than we anticipated! Love and hugs from us all xx


** Daytime / PreSchool lessons ** Hi All, Once we get the go ahead to reopen in Sept and we can get back to teaching younger ones safely, we will have quite a few spaces available for baby/pre school classes due to current swimmers startinf school (). Mainly Tuesday and Thursday am up to 3pm but possibilityof Weds also. I have lots of messages to try catch up with however if anyone wanting to enquire / book please can you comment here and I can then keep a easier track on ...things. Please share if you have any friends who may be interested. 1-2-1/2-2-1/ small groups for baby classes. Thanks Jen See more


Hi All, Just a quick reminder re payments. We are very close to being fully online for payments, badge progression and booking. Due to this and the uncertain times we are in can we ask you to pay weekly at the moment until we are up and running online, where you can pay in blocks and will get reminders when payments are needed. This also saves our time if we were to be forced to close again due to Covid tracking owing payments.... If anyone owes payments prior to lockdown please ensure these are paid asap. Many Thanks


*** FAMILY SWIMS TODAY!!*** Due to the weather not being that amazing i am going to run some family swims today. 22 for a hours swim for up to 6 people. **must be one family/bubble** Times available are:... 11am-12pm 12pm-1pm 1pm-2pm 2pm-3pm Thanks Jen


*** Family Swims*** We have two dates for Family swims available. Tomorrow 21st Dec: ... I have 2pm and 3pm available Tuesday 29th 10AM, 11AM, 12PM, 1PM 2PM AND 3PM First come first served with spaces. We hope everyone has a fantastic Christmas


This is one of our lovely swimmer's mummy. Please share


So we dont want to get too excited until we know the full details.... however..... The government has announced indoor leisure can open around 12TH APRIL Lots of details still need publishing so we know exactly where we stand and rules and regs we will have to abide by along with a definite date BUT its a step in the right direction to eventually having all our Little Fishes back with us!! We will keep everyone updated as soon as we have everything confirmed to us but we... just wanted to share the good news. Congratulations to everyone who has survived home schooling I imagine we are all looking forward to the 8th March first and foremost!


Hi All, Just to say, we are missing all our Little Fishes and families and hope everyone is well. We have decided that it would be a nice idea to make a bright colourful wall with the children's art work.....something to make us all smile after difficult times. I've attatched a few images that can be printed or a drawing by them is just as good. Lots of Love The Little Fishes Team


**COVID UPDATE** As of today, we will have the QR code available for track and trace, please ensure you have the app downloaded so you can scan the code when entering. Also we now ask that where possible parents are to wear a face mask poolside. We are able to teach in the water where needed but will be wearing a face shield when doing so. Also please where possible only 1 parent/carer to be poolside. ... If your child is showing any symptoms please do not bring them to the lesson. Many Thanks See more


**** LOCKDOWN UPDATE**** Just as we thought we were getting somewhere and back up and running, unfortunately after tonights update we are extremely sad to say our doors are closed again for the foreseeable. Its not what we wanted and absolutely devastating for us, however we have no say and we have to keep everyone safe. We hope all our families and children stay safe, and we will miss you all a little longer than we thought. All the Little Fishes team


**** IMPORTANT LESSON UPDATE ***** Hi All, After much consideration we have decided to not reopen swimming lessons until the New Year. ... This is a very hard decision for us to make, however to minimise any risk of children, parents or staff being poorly over the Xmas period and missing out on precious family time together alongside the stop start of lessons not benefitting the children either we feel its for the best. We would of only opened for 2 weeks then closed for 2 for the usual Christmas break. So we have decided to remain closed and reopen as usual Monday 4th Jan 2021. We will be running some family swims in the meantime so please watch the page for those announcements or message me (Jen) for details. Many Thanks for your contiuned support and we hope you have a wonderful Christmas and New Year. We miss you all! See more


Everything has now been taken for the family swims. If we are able to add more i will give people who missed out today first refusal. I may be able to do 2nd or 3rd Jan but will confirm once i know for sure. Jen x


Lesson Update After many conversations, lots of consideration & hours of research we have reluctantly decided it is best to not restart swimming lessons until September. Due to the distancing requirements for the children in the pool, it would mean we could of only taken back a small number of classes and that along with the cleaning regime for equipment would make things extremely difficult and unfair for some families. We are very sad we will not be able to finish off t...he term, especially for our preschool children before they start school and we miss everyone but we have to ensure everyones safety. If anyone with a slot weekdays 3.30pm or later or weekends are not wanting to contiune in Sept please can you inbox us asap so we know in advance. Some positive news however. For July & August we are instead going to trail FAMILY SWIMS. Starting this Tuesday (only Tuesdays to begin with) 10am until 5.15pm you can come as a family (Max 6 people ) to swim for a hour for 22. This is exclusive use of the pool with a teacher poolside as lifeguard. If you wish to use floats/woggles/armbands you will need to bring these with you. There will be 15 min after each session to allow for you to get changed and us to clean before the next family. I will be shortly posting a full list of rules and guidelines that will need to be followed. If you would be interested please comment as i need to make a list and organise the diary for times. If this is popular we will extend this to another day too. We hope everyone is well and cant wait to welcome you all back properly soon. Little Fishes Team


Hi All, It is with a very heavy heart and after many discussions that we are unfortunately having to make the difficult but necessary decision to temporarily close the doors to all our Little Fishes. We have to ensure your safety and right now this is the only option for everyone. There will be large little fish shaped void in the teachers and owners lives for as long as this uncertainty continues however we will be back as soon as possible.... Any updates from the children will always be welcome: Maybe they can write us a story about lessons, draw us a picture, or send a quick video of them practicing froggy legs or pizza arms. ** Please do not make any payments for April we will be in touch prior to us reopening** We want to wish all our families a huge thank you for the support we have had recently and for making us the suscess we are today and we hope everyone stays safe and well. Lots of Love and splashes, The Little Fishes Team


* Preschool/ Non-Swimmers * Quick question. Parents of pre school swimmers or those that cannot swim unaided- would you be happy to get in the water with your child to help support them? To enable us to get them back to lessons asap? We will only be able to teach from poolside. I need peoples opinions to help plan who is coming back when. Many Thanks Jen xx


Hopefully a little bit of joy for this weeks swimmers since they can't have a proper Halloween this year. (Along with my own ghoul enjoying the props) Enjoy Half Term Everyone P.s! We will leave decs up next week for everyone who couldnt make this week Jen & all the Little Fishes team


*** SWIMMING LESSON UPDATE *** We are happy to say we will be open and back to normal for lessons as of Monday We will contiune to work with the same plan as before to ensure up most safety for everyone involved. We will teach poolside where possible and can everyone please ensure chairs are sprayed down after use. ... Same entry/exit as previously used. We understand situations change rapidly at the moment so any changes we will inform you of asap, similarly if you are unable to attend please let us know asap. As before it is very important we keep any risks to a minimum so if you or your child are showing any symptoms however small you may feel they are please keep them off lessons until you know they are fit and well to attend. This applies to us as teachers and staff also. The weather is also supposed to continue to be wintery and the driveway could causes issues if the snow is to come again, if we deem it unsafe to open we will let everyone know as soon as possible. I will be in touch with people asking about baby classes soon as they are the only groups we are still going to stuggle to accommodate as we did previously. We hope everyone has had the best possible Christmas and New Year and we cant wait to see you all again! The Little Fishes Team


** Family swims this week ** I have a small amount of spaces available Tueaday for family swims this week. 22 per hour session, Max 6 people must be same family/bubble. Please arrive swim ready under clothing as the changing room may be in use with the previous family when you arrive.... Times Available are: Tueaday 2.30 Tuesday 3.30 Tuesday 4.30 First come first served. Please gel your hands before entering and be mindful of distancing rules when entering and the previous class leaving. I will be there to tell you where to put your belongings. Thanks Jen


***URGENT TONIGHTS SWIMMERS**** Due to building work the usual entrance is NOT safe to use tonight. Please go throught the gate to the left of the carpark past the cottage round to the back of the pool building through the other gate into the garden. Then walk past the pool doors (fire exit and current exit) and up to the brown door at the end of the pool building which should be open for you already, this is basically the other side of the hallway you usally come in on and then enter the pool as normal. Sorry for the last minute change of plan. Many Thanks xx


POOL UPDATE Unfortunately due to the announcement last night the government guidelines now state that any indoor pool in the areas listed for the lockdown have to close. After a fantastic week last week we are devastated we cant welcome more of you back this week. Hopefully this is short lived and we can be back shortly. Stay Safe, Little Fishes Team


Just a quick video to show how things will work. Also another one in comments for how the pool and lesson will be. Excuse any mistakes or stumbles! xxx


*** IMPORTANT UPDATE *** Unfortunately the news we really really didnt want has come. All Leisure facilities are to close as of Thursday This means that end of Wednesday we are now closed again. We are still awaiting the full details from Swim England & STA however weve had the first confirmation there is full closure just not finer details. This means if you swim Mon,Tues and Weds lessons will go ahead this week, however Unfortunately Thursday, Friday and Saturday cannot..., and on-going until further notice. We are so sorry that just as everyone starts to catch up we are having to close again. We are all very upset and once again will miss you all. Stay safe everyone. All the team See more


We eventually have the government go ahead to reopen Tuesday 8th Sept Please bare with me as we establish the new safe routine. I will be restarting with my Tuesday afterschool classes this week and can then see how the procedures ive put in place work and from there will introduce everyone else back, fully restarting everyone for afterschool lessons the following week. Morning/Daytime lessons i will update asap once we have a few more things in place to ensure young...er swimmers safety. There will be more updates this week as to who is back and when please keep a look out. If there is anyone who isnt returning and hasnt yet informed us please do so asap. **Please remember if you have any symptoms however small please do not attend the lessons and follow the government guidelines** I know we all cant wait to see you back we have missed our swimmers so much. Jen & The Little Fishes Team


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