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Thank you Diego Pascual! Teaching you is easy because you're a fast learner. See you again!


This cutie loves to swim more now. I also accept private swimming lessons at your pool.


Do you have Scoliosis? Learn to Swim! Swimming is a great exercise for someone with scoliosis because the movements are not jarring and there is less pressure on the spine. This exercise also works your muscles and improve endurance and flexibility. It can help build the muscles of your arms, legs, and back, which could improve your overall balance and muscle strength.... Learn to swim with Swim Davao! The swimming lesson is for 5 days, 2 hours per session, for a total of 10 hours per course. When: Sept. 30 - Oct. 4, 2019 Time: Please choose from 3pm-5pm or 6pm-8pm Location: Grand Men Seng Hotel You have more control than you think! Want to reserve a slot? Send Swim Davao a private message now!




How long can you hold your breath?


Stressed at work? Want a change in your daily routine? Learn to swim! Stress affects your productivity and definitely your health! Stretching and rhythmic breathing in swimming releases endorphins (a happy hormone) thus helping you fight stress. It's also a great way to find new friends. The swimming lesson is good for 5 days, 2 hours per session. ... Venue: Grand Men Seng Hotel Time: 6pm-8pm Learn to swim, fight stress, meet new people and grow your connections! Want to reserve a slot? Send Swim Davao a private message now!


The best thing about teaching is that I am also learning from my students. It's good to have people around you whom you share the same interests with and people who inspire you to be better. I had a great time with you Kuya Jasper, Haya, Ate Jane. Thank you for the experience. 'Til next time!


Why Taking a Shower is Important Before Jumping into the Pool You might be thinking, "Ngano mag shower pa man ko, maligo man gihapon ko sa pool?" Showering helps remove sweat, perfumes, cosmetics, lotions, and other oils from our body before we get into the pool. ... While most swimming pools are well maintained and chlorinated, taking a shower means chlorine won't have to work as hard and more illnesses can be prevented. There is a reason for swimming pool rules and you should follow them. Showering before swimming makes it healthy for everyone swimming in the pool. #DidYouKnow #NowYouKnow #SwimmingLessonsInDavaoCity


Why Taking a Shower After Swimming is Important Taking a shower AFTER swimming in the pool is just as important as showering BEFORE swimming. Showering helps remove any contaminants that your skin came in contact with while you were in the pool. Pools are chlorinated and add to that the bodily oils from people who didn't take a shower before entering the pool. ... The water in the pool can dry your hair and body so clean it with shampoo and soap. #SwimmingFacts #DidYouKnow #NowYouKnow #SwimmingLessonsInDavaoCity


Kabalo ka mulangoy, pero sa mabaw lang? Gain confidence swimming in deep water. Learn to swim! 6ft, 8ft, 10ft, however deep it may be! Reduce the risk of drowning by learning how to swim with Swim Davao! The swimming lesson is good for 5 days, 2 hours per session. ... Venue: Grand Men Seng Hotel Time: 6pm-8pm Learn today and enjoy swimming in deep water for a lifetime! Want to reserve a slot? Send Swim Davao a private message now!


Brain, please cooperate! Thank you.


May forever kasi


HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! Thank you for being part of my 2019. Thank you to all 800+ people who take the time to like this mini page of mine. Thank you to all the students who have trusted me to teach and share my passion, especially to the students who eventually become my friends. ... Looking forward to more learnings with you all!


Shining Shimmering Splendid!


How deep is your DIVE? (Basic Swimming)


Ended the week right. Thank you students!


Did you know? The oldest stroke used is the BREASTSTROKE that dates as far back as the 1st century BCE #DidYouKnow #NowYouKnow #SwimmingFacts


Why is everyone so concerned about being pretty? The media has brainwashed us about the concept of beauty. People hiding behind make ups, photo filters, fancy clothes to impress people we really don't care about. Why not be pretty caring, pretty understanding, pretty knowledgeable, pretty skillful, pretty fearless, pretty courageous, pretty adventurous?... Being pretty on the outside is important to live easily on this planet but not as important as prettifying the mind, the heart, and the soul. Don't JUST be pretty. There is more to life than being pretty. When we get to the old age, what really matters is the relationship we had with the people around us, the size of our heart, the strength of our character, the memories, bond, laughter, experiences and learnings that we had. Think about it. Do we make this world a better place or do we just contribute to the negativity? #JustThoughts #DontJUSTBePretty #SwimmingLessonsInDavaoCity


Thank you Ling! Char naman sa inner dragon. Hahaha.


Thank you Summer! I enjoyed your dive turned flip turn. See you in your next session.


Every expert was once a beginner. Like with all skills in the world, it would take time and dedication to be a "pro" with anything. So don't get upset about sucking at something new. No one expects you to be an expert in the first few swims. Be patient and take the time to be great at anything. See you at the pool!


How to Avoid Drowning Aside from of course learning how to swim, there are ways you can do to avoid drowning. 1. DO NOT raise your hand... It is our intuition to raise our hand as an initial response to drowning. Do not raise your hand to ask for help. Doing so will just put more weight on your body thus making you drown faster. 2. Float If you don't know how to swim, you have to at least know how to do the back float. The human body has a natural ability to float. Do not panic. Relax your body. Float as if you're lying in your bed and then use your hand to come closer to the shallow water. This will also give you time to ask for help. 3. Use a flotation device If you really want to swim in deep water, use floaters. You can use arm bands, lifebuoy (salbabida), life vest or life jacket. It may feel a little uncomfortable but safety should come first. #LigtasAngMayAlam


Elementary Back (Advance Class)


1. Thumb first, pinky first Your thumb exits the water first on recovery. Pinky goes in first at the top of the pull. 2. Keep your head straight... Your head should be in a neutral position, in line with your spine. Fight the urge to look around. Look at the clouds or the ceiling to keep your head straight. 3. Kick from the hip Rolling from side to side provides additional strength. By kicking from your hips, you are using your lats, pecs, and core muscles to power the stroke. 4. Avoid holding your breath Avoid holding your breath as much as possible. Breathe in as one arm passes your ear and breathe out when water is projected in your face during arm recovery. 5. Don't let your hips drop too low This will slow you down. Kick higher flutter kicks to keep your body close to the surface of the water. Keep your body flat. Position your body horizontally in the water.


Just keep swimming!


Kapoy gym noh? Mulangoy na lang ta! Taraaa! If you don't like hitting the gym, then swim! Swimming is a good cardio exercise. It is the easiest way to get a full body workout. Swimming increases upper body strength and help strengthen your core. Core muscles like abs, hips, and lower back are completely engaged when you're swimming. It's also more fun and the water can feel relaxing.... Learn to swim with Swim Davao! The swimming lesson is for 5 days, 2 hours per session. For a total of 10 hours per course. When: April 15-19, 2019 Time: 3pm-5pm; 6pm-8pm Location: Grand Men Seng Hotel Tone your body and exercise while having fun! Want to reserve a slot? Send Swim Davao a private message now!


Last batch for year 2019


Private Swimming Lesson


Flutter Kicking It! (Adult Class)


Thank you Jerson! I'm so happy to see you improve. See you sa Advance!


Why Clothes Made of Cotton is NOT ALLOWED in the Swimming Pool Everyday gina filter ang tubig sa pool before it is open for public use. Clean water is separated from the contaminated water (which is then removed) Cotton is NOT ALLOWED in the Swimming Pool because it has a material that clogs the filtering system of the pool that makes it harder to clean the water. This material is called lint. This is also found in linen and wool. This is the same material na makita nimo sa w...ashing machine kung ga laba ka. Additionally, cotton also absorbs a lot of water which weigh down swimmers and makes it difficult to swim. #SwimmingFacts #DidYouKnow #NowYouKnow #MysteryUnlocked #SwimmingLessonsInDavaoCity


Did you know? The largest swimming pool in the world is found at San Alfonso del Mar resort in Algarrobo, Chile. It has a total area of 8 hectares (19.77 acres), 1,013 meters (3,324 ft) in length, and with a deep end that descends 115 feet. At the time of its completion in 2006, it was in the Guinness Book of World Records for the largest pool in the world. The pool nearly required 5 years to build and cost $1.6 billion. It could fit 20 Olympic-sized swimming pools within it...! #DidYouKnow #NowYouKnow #SwimmingFacts


Expectation vs Reality


Love, Religion, Career... Deep conversation with these students, gipalungan nalang ug suga. Haha.


Merry Christmas everyone!


Want to sing better? Learn to swim! Swimming is the BEST exercise for singers! It can help you sing higher, clearer, with less strain, and more energy. It conditions your heart and lungs, tightens your stomach, expands your back, increases your breathing capacity, and stretches your throat. Swimming will definitely make you sing better! Every singer needs to practice breathing exercises and techniques for vocal control to be the best singer they can be!... Learn to swim with Swim Davao! The swimming lesson is for 5 days, 2 hours per session, for a total of 10 hours per course. When: Nov. 18-22, 2019 Time Options: 3pm-5pm or 6pm-8pm Location: Grand Menseng Hotel For only P3,500 (Course fee only, pool fee not included) Learn to swim and unleash that inner Diva in you! Want to reserve a slot? Send Swim Davao a private message now!


While we were having a conversation with my student on his last session, he shared one thing that really breaks my heart. He said one of the reasons why he wants to learn how to swim is because his father regrets not learning how to swim when he was still young, ngayon hindi niya maenjoy ang beach kasi hindi siya marunong lumangoy. It's heartbreaking to hear the word "regret." Bakit kailangan mag regret kung pwede pa naman? You're never too old to learn something new. ... I get a lot of messages concerning about their age, like: "Pwede po adult?" "hehe baka kasi for children lng ni xa. Gsto ko talaga matuto." "Adult, 37 years old.. Pwede?" "i'm 23 yrs old male, pwedi pa po ba sa edad ko?" "Tumatanggap ba kayo ng adult? Like 30s? " "Mam ok ra ba n 30 y.o nq?" Whoever told you that swimming lesson is just for kids? Do whatever you want to do now! The greatest regret of people are not about what they did but what they didn't do. Will you live your life in regret or take the risk and do it anyway?


Basic Swimming


It's a great day to learn something new!


MIEKO NAGAOKA Mieko Nagaoka was born on July 31, 1914. (age 104) She is a Japanese Masters Athlete. She started to learn how to swim at the age of 82. In 2015, she became the first 100-year-old to complete a 1,500m freestyle swim in a 25m pool. After turning 100 in July 2014, she released a book entitled: I'm 100 years old and the world's active best swimmer. ... Nagaoka already dominates the world record board for her age group, as awarded by the International Swimming Federation holding 24 titles over both short and long distances. Mieko Nagaoka's story shows us that age is just a number. You are never too old to learn something new!


Want to lose weight? Learn to swim! Swimming burns more calories than you'd think. This is one of the best activities you can do to tone your muscles and improve your overall health and fitness. Swimming engages almost every major muscle group in our body. It works the upper body, lower body, and core all at the same time. It gives more overall muscle definition versus other cardio exercises. ... Learn to swim with Swim Davao! The swimming lesson is for 5 days, 2 hours per session. For a total of 10 hours per course. When: May 13-17, 2019 Time: 3pm-5pm or 6pm-8pm Location: Grand Men Seng Hotel With the combination of healthy eating habit and healthy lifestyle, you should be able to reach your fitness goal! Want to reserve a slot? Send Swim Davao a private message now!


Flutter Kick and Sculling with a good old music (Adult Class)


Front Crawl, Teens Class


5 Tips for a better Front Crawl 1. Your fingertips should enter the water first Avoid palm or thumb first water entry. Never show your palm to your destination!... 2. Use a high-elbow position That is less drag and allows for a faster swim. Also, the movement to the catch and pull position should be easier. 3. Kick from the hip Rolling from side to side provides additional strength. By kicking from your hips, you are using your lats, pecs, and core muscles to power the stroke. 4. Look directly at the bottom of the pool Keep your head in line with the rest of your body. This prevents your hips and legs to drop, so you don't have to kick harder to keep your legs up. 5. Breathe out in the water Breathe out while your face is underwater. This allows you to be more relaxed than when holding your breath.


Summer na naman! Ikaw na lang ba ang dili pa kabalo mulangoy? Learn to swim! Outing here, outing there. Beach here, pool there. Summer is never complete without swimming. Enjoy your summer more by learning how to swim with Swim Davao!... The swimming lesson is for 5 days, 2 hours per session. When: April 8-12, 2019 Time: 3pm-5pm; 6pm-8pm Venue: Grand Men Seng Hotel Limited to 6 people only per batch. Hurry! Reserve your spot now! Have fun learning this essential life skill! Want to reserve a slot? Send Swim Davao a private message now!


Front Crawl, Kids Class


Summer is coming! Kabalo naka mulangoy? Learn to swim for recreation and better health! Health Benefits of Swimming:... *Stretching and rhythmic breathing in swimming releases endorphins *Increases upper body strength *Improves flexibility of muscles and joints *Works out your glutes and quads *Ideal workout for people with arthritis, stiff joints or painful knees *30 minutes of swimming = reduces 40% risks of coronary heart disease *Strengthens your lungs & helps improve symptoms of asthma *Lowers risk of diabetes *Reduces stress level Calories burned during a 30 minute swim: *Recreational: 90-220 calories *Moderate: 150-370 calories *Vigorous: 220-550 calories The swimming lesson is good for 5 days, 2 hours per session. Location: Grand Men Seng Hotel For inquiries and more details, please don't hesitate to send a private message. Thanks!


Thank you Ton! More travel goals to achieve now!


Yes, YOU CAN! Of course, YOU CAN!


Backstroke (Advance Class)


Kanang.. Uhaw gud. Swimming is exercising in the water. When you exercise on land, whether be it jogging, running, weight lifting, boxing, whatever.. You will need water to hydrate. It's just the same thing.


Mental Health Matters!


Arm strokes and Sculling (Basic Swimming)


Swimming lesson is not just about the physical but also a mental one. Fear of water is common. You are not alone. A lot of my students who excel in the swimming lesson has one thing in common-- THEY ARE NOT AFRAID OF THE WATER. But we can't control what we will be afraid of. What we can control is our mind. We can convince our mind that we will be safe, that it's harmless because there is really nothing to be worried about. ... Fear doesn't go away by resistance. Just embrace it. Expose yourself to it. Do it again and again and again and again until fear becomes excitement. Believe in yourself and believe in your Instructor. I won't let you do things I know you can't do. Whatever you feed your mind, your body will follow. So cultivate positive thoughts. See you at the pool!


Have fear of water? You are not alone! If you have been through a near drowning experience or other scary experience in the water, you are more likely to develop a phobia of water. One of our brain's main function is to protect us from harm that is why we feel fear. ... Frightening experience in the water is common and the only way to conquer our fear is to face it. Conquer your fear with Swim Davao! The swimming lesson is for 5 days, 2 hours per session. For a total of 10 hours per course. When: April 29-May 3, 2019 Time: 3pm-5pm or 6pm-8pm Location: Grand Men Seng Hotel So be afraid! Embrace your fear and do it anyway! Thanks for the concern brain but we're conquering our fear! Want to reserve a slot? Send Swim Davao a private message now!


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