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Remember ! Facebook will match your donations dollar for dollar up to the first 7 million donated for #GivingTuesday causes, so your donation might be doubled if you do it early!


Sleep well, my pretties! See you Oh-Dark-Early at the pool!


Giving Tuesday isn’t over yet! Although the $7 million matching funds have already been matched up between many worthy organizations, your donations make all the difference to us whether you can give $5 or $500. Thanks to all those who have donated so far!


It’s giving Tuesday! Thanks for your generosity and for sharing our fundraiser (at top of our page)It’s giving Tuesday! Thanks for your generosity and for sharing our fundraiser (at top of our page)


Our elite team competed at the RIO December Invitational In Chandler, AZ this weekend! This was the team's first competition since March, and we're proud of all of you!... Special congrats to Bryce who saw a remarkable 6-second improvement in 100 breaststroke (say WHAAAT?!!!), a 2-second improvement in 200 breast and a 0.76 time improvement in 400 IM. Lucy knocked 0.19 sec off her 200 free. We appreciate you team: athletes, coaches, parents & everyone who help make it possible for our athletes to enjoy this and future competition!


Phone: +1 928-254-7765

Website: http://sedonaracepace.com

Followers: 332


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