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What an incredible day! Okay every day is incredible when I am teaching. And today felt even more incredible. 4 of my students today work with OT’s and all 4 had massive breakthroughs in their swimming today!! My absolutely melts when I see their shocked realization and immediate swelling of pride when they realize they are swimming! For each of them physical coordination is a struggle. When they feel comfortable and safe they can relax and stay calm and then the magic happens! I my work!!


Ever wonder the impact on a child when they are not ready for the next step they should take? Read on (sent to me from one of my swimmers parents) I had to laugh when my son approached a swim teacher last week (the one who dunked him three years ago without warning and sort of started his apprehension with water) to proudly inform her that he could now swim underwater. I knew he didn't like that she did that to him when he was three, but didn't realize that he had internalized it so much! Crazy it took THREE years for him to overcome it! So, thank you for being so patient with him. He now begs to swim each day and would spend HOURS at the pool if I could stand being in the water and in the sun that long!


My book releases this Sunday! Today I received this advanced praise for my book. This is exactly why I’ve written it...to share my gifts in the hopes it supports others in making a positive difference in their lives. Regardless it is through swimming it still helps make a difference! Ms. Renner's book is a must read for anyone learning to swim, or just as importantly tasked with teaching an adult to swim. She manages to be straight forward and witty at the same time, not an... easy task. I was able to use the techniques in this book to help teach a group of fearless Afghan women in Kabul how to swim. These women had never been in a pool, lake, or river before. Being able to hold their own in water was an amazing achievement that gave them extra self confidence as they faced a war torn world. - Adrienne Shade, civilian working with the women in Afghanistan See more


Phone: +1 808-280-2756

Website: http://www.swimprojanet.com

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