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I know that trying something new can be scary. Especially when so many other people you likely know have a fear of being out of depth in the water. Its definitely sensible to take water seriously, but when you conquer how to move through it and float, magic happens. I've luckily been a swimmer since I was very little, but it wasn't until my adolescence years that I became a scuba diver. That first lesson of going down to the depths, I could think of nothing but jaws. But on...ce I was down there it was the most serene, magical experience. Full of wonder and joy that I couldn't wait to do again. Don't let fear stop you, take the plunge, you'll that me later. . #swimtherapy #swimlife #fearofswimming #dontfearswimming #jaws #swimhappy #happyswimmer #conquerfear #conquerfears #lovetoswim #conqueryourfears #swimlove #taketheplunge #adultswimlessons #kidsswimlessons See more


Who's ready to go for a swim?? Can you believe its been just over 4months since we were allowed in a swimming pool?!! Let me know if you're going / you've been or you can't wait to get back to it .... #getmetothepool #poolsopen #poolsofinstagram #poolside #openpools #poolsopenforsummer #pooltime #pooltimefun #pooltime #pooltime #pooldays #poolday #swimlessons #learningswimming See more


She used to be so scared of the water, so when she was brave enough to look under the water and see the fish whilst she swam to the steps it made my day as a swim teacher. You can hear her mum delighted in the background . #swimtherapy #swimlessons #swimlife #swimlessonwestlondon #swimkids #swimteacher #swimcoach #swimcoachlife #swimteaching #swimlove #swimswimswim


Like yesterday?! Who else is really missing swimming? I know I am!! . #water #imissthepool #swimmer #getmetothepool #waterbaby #lovetoswim #lovetoteach #lovewater


The control she has here is just beautiful. She pushes off the wall, gliding into her stroke with lovely long arms that on entry of the water push the water backwards like paddles moving her forward. This is her enjoying the stroke, the legs are moving but they are not tiring, remember the quad is the largest muscle in the body so can burn out easily. Keep it moving all together. Its take her only 6 strokes to get from one side to the other. See how many strokes it takes you when you really concentrate and feel the water. You'll thank me later


I miss my swimmers I remember this session like it was yesterday, although it was obviously more than 4months ago! This little guy swims with his older sister who is many stages above him, but the motivation is real. Mixed staging doesn't always work and can sometimes make the sessions tricky, but for this pair it's a dream. See the power in his legs? That's coz his sister is swimming next to us and he doesn't want her to win! . #openourpools #swimminglessonssavelives #openswimmingpools #poollife #inthewaterteaching #inwaterteaching #swimtherapy #swimminglessons #getmetothepool #swimming #lovetoswim


Safety, encouragment & play are all equally important Playing and keeping it fun encourages and develops ten fold. Now she is able to swim to the side on her own she will feel safe and also confident in herself which helps development. This was the first time she dived in and then swam to the side on her own. My encouragement here was the cheer at the end . #learning #learningtoswim #swimtime #swimlessonslondon #childswimlessons #adultswimlessons #learntoswim #swimforlife #swimtherapy #lovewater


Hopefully we'll get to feel that nice cool water soon . #water #letsgoswimminginthewater #swimmingisthebestexercise #livetoswim #lovetoswim #swimlessons #swimlondon #swimmingisthebest #iloveswimming


I'd give anything to be a dolphin right now Push and glides help with your starts, keeping your streamline so you move smoothly within the water and also help to give you a head start when you race. It's all about how you move WITH the water, not how you fight against it. . #swim #streamline #streamlineswimmers #dolphin #dolphinkick #swimlessons #swimlessonslondon #swimlessonwestlondon #swimmer


Who else can relate to this? I have to admit, it gets me now sometimes too. You can hear those two syllables and you have to have a cheeky look just to make sure the pool is safe and shark free Jaws changed swimming for everyone (even if they don't admit it) . #swimming #swimwithsharks #jaws #jawsmovie #swimmingpool #checkthepool #silly #funny #gottalaugh


So if we're not allowed to swim on our backs in case we bump into someone, does that mean under the water too? . #backstrokestart #backstroker #underwaterswim #underwater #socialdistanceswimming #pooltime #swimlesson #swim #swimming


Remember it's not about the finish line, its about starting something and finding the greatness in you Get in touch for lessons . #begreat #begreattoday #findyourgreatness #thebestyou #youarethebest #youarethebestchallenge #swimlondon #londoncityswim #swimminglessons


Learning to push off under water whilst on your back isn't the easiest. Remember to take a deep breathe before you sink down so you have enough air to continue trickle blowing bubbles out of your nose!! . #lovetoswim #swimlondon #swimlife #swimtherapy #swimminglessons #swimmingisthebest #swimmingisthebestexercise #swimlover #bestswimmers #greatswim #goodjob #keeptrying #dontgiveup


Perhaps with the new guidelines that may be sooner rather than later. Keep your eyes peeled . #backswimming #swimmingback #swimtherapy #swimlessonwestlondon #swimlessons #swimmers #swimminglessons #swimlessonslondon #swimealing #swimbrentford #swimlife #swimcoach


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Address: Osterley TW7 Isleworth

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