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Just because pools are closed in many parts of the country doesn’t mean drownings aren’t occuring. Each year, nearly 8,000 people die from drownin...g after falling through thin ice. Prevention is always key! Choose your steps carefully and when in doubt, don’t do it! If you do find yourself having fallen through thin ice, here are some tips to help save yourself. Keep Calm: Try not to flail your arms, this releases valuable body heat. Do Not Undress: Keeping your winter clothing on traps air inside your clothing and can help you float and retain body heat. Stay Horizontal: Keep your weight spread out over the edges of the ice. Once you’ve gotten most of your upper body out of the water, kick your legs as strongly as possible to get the rest of your body out of the water and onto the ice. Roll onto the Ice: Once you are on the ice, do not stand up. Instead, roll over on the ice to prevent more cracks from forming and falling in again. Retrace Your Steps: Once you are out and a safe distance from the hole, trace your footsteps back to shore. Get Warm: Once out of the water, immediately seek medical attention to bring your body temperature back to normal. See more


Wow amazing human!


With so much extra time spent at home it is imperative we teach ourselves and our children proper pool safety. Here are great tips to keep your ki...ds safer around your backyard pool this summer -Assign an adult ‘water watcher' who is not doing anything other than watching the kids. -Empty bathtubs, buckets and wading pools as soon as you're finished using them. -Put up a fence around pools with a self-closing and self-latching gate. Research has shown this can reduce the risk of drowning by 50 percent or more. -Learn CPR. See more


You can never be too safe!!!!! Great work down in Florida!


Kids are curious. Kids wander. Kids don’t always understand all of the risks. Kids don’t always listen and some kids have special circumstances that may put the...m in danger too. Never risk a pool drowning. Neighborhood children can come to your yard and your own children can get out of the house very easily, easier than you may think. Why take the chance? Put in pool barriers. See more


Phone: +1 716-713-6399

Website: http://www.poolfencewny.com

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