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Just a reminder that we will be "shifting" the pool service next week due to Thanksgiving. Our service tech, Ray, will be coming a day earlier than usual: - Tuesday service will be on Monday - Wednesday service will be on Tuesday - Thursday service will be on Wednesday... Dan will work his regular Mon - Wed schedule and take some vacation time Thurs - Saturday Our regular schedule will resume the following week We hope that everyone has a safe Thanksgiving Holiday


Just a reminder for all of our customers that have APS as their energy-supplier. They offer "Super Off-Peak Hours" from 10 am to 3 pm, weekdays during November through April. Shifting energy use to off-peak hours is a great way to save money. For example:... - Run the dishwasher & do laundry between 10 am - 3 pm - Pre-heat your home before 3 pm - Run your pool filter pump during the Super Off-Peak Time Find more ways to save at aps.com/save.


Now the temperatures are finally cooling down after a brutally hot summer here in AZ, some pool owners are turning on the pool heater to extend the swim season. We got a question last week about a swimmer being allergic to chlorine in the pool and they said they get a terrible rash after swimming. If you get a chlorine rash after swimming, you aren’t necessarily allergic to chlorine, just sensitive to it. The best way to protect your skin and hair from a chlorine rash is to... shower before and after swimming. The Shower Before Swimming signs in locker rooms aren’t just to keep the pool clean. Saturating your hair and skin with fresh water before entering a pool prevents the absorption of harmful chemicals into the deeper layers of your skin. Also, limit your time in warm pool water and don’t wear your swimsuit for too long after you’ve left the water. Chlorine pressed against your skin will cause a chlorine rash along the lines of your swimsuit where the wet material touches your skin. If you have a rash, take a bath using an oatmeal-based product like Aveeno Soothing Bath Treatment -or- moisturize with Aveeno Body Lotion.


I think we can all agree that 2020 has been a "challenging" year to say the least and this year for the pool industry has been no exception. In some aspects, we have been fortunate that consumers realized how important their backyard are and it became a welcoming place for the family to shelter and spend time together. We have had several clients upgrade their pool equipment -or- add new heaters and automation systems. Unfortunately, the swimming pool supply chain was drasti...cally impacted by the pandemic over the summer. Lack of workers at the factories and a shortage of truck drivers to deliver the products led to empty shelves at the distribution warehouses and higher prices across the board. Just when things were starting to recover, Hurricane Laura struck the Louisiana coast in late August and destroyed the BioLab factory in Lake Charles. This factory produced nearly 40% of the TriChlor Chlorine production in the United States. Authorities have no idea when the factory will be back in business and all indications are it will be off-line well into next year. We can expect chlorine tab shortages all of next year and we've already seen the cost of chlorine tabs jump more than 50%. As you can imagine, this will likely lead to higher service prices in order to meet the increased costs of the chemicals used to treat the pool water. We will continue to keep you informed of this changing situation. https://apnews.com/article/540e1e98898c37369556f688d500acbb


Earlier this month our swimming pool supply distributor informed us that due to reduced production capabilities from manufacturers caused by temporary plant closures, reduced staffing from the pandemic and raw material shortages has put a strain on the supply chain. As a result, several of our key suppliers are increasing prices over the next two months. Unfortunately, that means that we can expect that everything from replacement parts, new equipment and pool chemicals will all cost more as we close out 2020 and head into 2021. Thank you for your continued business and understanding if we have to raise our service rates to help offset these increased costs.


Thursday night's storm was a good reminder that monsoon winds can be surprisingly destructive! We saw several trees snapped in half along the Bell Road & Greenway corridor between Tatum & Scottsdale Rd. The Palo Verde trees seemed to be particularly vulnerable to damaging wind. Contact your landscaper or a tree professional to get those trees trimmed -or- thinned out before the next storm strikes so they don't end up in your swimming pool.


Phone: +1 602-647-5199

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