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The city shut down order doesn’t go into effect until 12 tonight so practice will continue this evening. As of right now we are planning for a two week shut down with return to the YMCA when the pool reopens with our same practice schedule. As of now we will bill as normal if the shut down continues longer than two weeks we will assess dues at that time.


I just got off the phone with the YMCA. Their board of directors has met and voted to side with El Paso's mayor and ignore the County Judge's shut down order. This means our swim practice will not be canceled for the next two weeks and will continue as normal for now. If you are comfortable and wish to continue swimming their will be practice available. So Sunday's practice the day after Halloween will be at its usual time of 3 to 5.


Due to the weather, practice tonight (10/27) is cancelled for all groups. Stay safe.


Practice tonight is confirmed. The YMCA pool is back up to 84. Thanks


Barracudas. I called the YMCA yesterday and was told they were not making changes as of that time. I have tried to call today to get confirmation. It seems nobody is there on Sunday except swim teams. I spoke to the Coach of the Desert Sharks, and he was also told yesterday that practice would continue as normal also. I would assume if that had changed the YMCA would have made attempts to contact us all. Therefore, as of now our usual Sunday practice from 3:00 PM to 5:00 PM is moving forward as normal. Attend if you can and I hope we are good. Thanks Joseph Olson


Barracudas. We have to cancel practice tonight November 17th. The pool heater is broken and it is crazy cold water. I am in contact with the YMCA to try and figure out a timeline for the pool heater repair. I will update as I know more. Thanks


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