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@keepingitkristin wearing the Gabby Top & Bottom S W E L L O B S E S S E D . C O M


Siren Says: Mermaids in Art A curated list of mermaid masterpieces every Siren should know. Now live on the journal. Link in bio to view. Learn something, Siren... S W E L L O B S E S S E D . C O M


A tad dramatic- don’t you think? Siren Song- an excerpt. Has anyone read this novel? Cass, Kiera. The Siren. HarperTeen, May 2017... S W E L L O B S E S S E D . C O M


Katie in the Rope Kini. Reminder: all rope kinis are 50% off for the rest of this year. Link in bio to shop. @sebagabs @_katielever ... S W E L L O B S E S S E D . C O M


Harry. In Tulum. Not a care in the world. S W E L L O B S E S S E D . C O M


How much money do you think sits at the bottom of the sea? Back in 2012 Popular Mechanics published an article estimating there was around $60 BILLION worth of treasure lost at sea; estimated by Sean Fisher- a proper shipwreck hunter in Key West. Fisher calculated this number based on his company’s historical research. (Treasure Salvors, Inc)... Fast Forward a few years though, and that figure is now considered to be quite low and conservative. In 2016 an autonomous marine robot (REMUS 6,000) uncovered one of the biggest hauls on record. The treasure was estimated at a whooping $17 BILLION from one Spanish Ship called the San Jose from 1708. The treasure is mostly precious metals. If $17 BILLION pops up from just one shipwreck- imagine all the shipwrecks and all the other treasures to be discovered still. Makes you wonder, huh? Stay curious, Siren S W E L L O B S E S S E D . C O M


CREATURE FEATURE: Meet the festive Cyerce Elegans Native to mostly Hawaii, Australia, and Philippines- these are typically found in Subtropical, Indo-West pacific waters. They are a variety of sacoglossans (sea slugs) and feed mostly off algae. ... This species is translucent cream, faint orange to dusky brown. The broad, oval, pillow-like cerata are edged with cream, gold or white flecks and often show an iridescent internal blue to green spot under some lighting conditions. When examined closely, the cerata are divided into sections by a network of transparent vein-like lines. Rather harmless, they make for some genius lighting and sparkle to illuminate the Ocean with a notion of decor. Stay Curious, Siren S W E L L O B S E S S E D . C O M


No Risk, No Story. Take a leap of faith, Siren S W E L L O B S E S S E D . C O M


The Tank & Sarong. A colorful option for a Tropical Holiday Look. Link in bio to shop. S W E L L O B S E S S E D . C O M


Ain’t nothing mellow about this yellow. For this who love a stronger hues we’ve also got you covered: Pops of color with our String Kinis, Rope Kinis, and most recent coverups. ABOVE: Siren Anaís wears the Triangle Top & String Bottom in Mango... Link in bio to shop S W E L L O B S E S S E D . C O M


Wherever the tide takes me. ABOVE: Siren wears the Penelope Bandeau top & String Bottom Pacifico. Suit up, Siren... S W E L L O B S E S S E D . C O M


The only feeling I want to keep bottled up. HBU? BTW: Contrary to popular myth, few if any Ships in Bottles were sailor made, but were much more likely built by light house keepers who had lots of free time and access to bottles and materials. This explains the nearly ubiquitous rocky point or part of a coast line with a light house in SiBs in that period. (Late 1700’s)... Sailors did not have free time to build SiBs. Merchant ships were always manned with minimum crews to keep costs down and the sailor’s life was little more than work, eat and sleep. Ship captains viewed idleness as a breeding ground for mutiny and consequently kept crews busy when not eating or sleeping. Sh*t’s cray, Siren S W E L L O B S E S S E D . C O M


Bathing Beauty @imalondradiaz in the Penelope Bandeau top & Bottom Suit up, Siren S W E L L O B S E S S E D . C O M ... @demetrio.rodz


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