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If your swimming pool seems to be losing water, it could be a filtration problem. A pool that is gradually losing water may have a bottom ring or backwash valve problem. In either case, water leaks out of the pool via the drain.


In summer months, pools will naturally lose water on a daily basis due to evaporation. If you are experiencing a heat wave, or a string of sunny days, water levels may decrease significantly. However, pool leaks can occur and are often the culprit for excess water lose.


Happy St. Patrick's Day!!!


A pool with a leak the size of pinhole, with water under normal pressure, can allow over 700 gallons of water to escape each day. That is almost two to three times the daily household water usage for an average-sized family.


It’s important to remember that some aspects of pool maintenance can be more exacting than others. While your teenager may be more than capable of scooping out leaves and dead bugs from the water, repairs can require a more skilled touch.


While you do not need to have a degree in chemistry to add chemicals to your pool, it can be hazardous for the inexperienced. Trusting the skills of professional pool technicians means no worries in this area.


It’s important to remember that your pool’s regular maintenance is about more than just keeping it free of leaves and bugs. When your pool hasn’t been properly maintained, you may discover that it’s not sanitary to use.


Did you know that even a winterized pool is susceptible to harmful algae and bacteria? In fact, the presence of leaves, dirt, and debris are just the beginning, and pool covers seldom work all of the time. Hiring a professional swimming pool service is the best way to keep your pool vacuum working and your filters fresh.


Merry Christmas Eve!!


Did you know that a one-sixteenth of an inch diameter hole can end up releasing hundreds of gallons of water a day? If you suspect a pool leak, it’s important to have it located and repaired as soon as possible to minimize any incurred costs.


If you suspect a leak in your pool, but it stops losing water once it reaches a certain level, that could indicate the location of the leak. For example, if the water level drops until it falls below the level of the light fixtures that may be where the problem is.


It’s important to remember that in the absence of extreme heat or rowdy water play, your pool shouldn’t lose more than about a quarter of an inch in water level each day. Let’s talk about the water loss you’ve been experiencing and whether you it might be necessary for us to inspect for a leak.


When it is time to have your pool filter serviced or replaced, there are three filter options available for you to choose from: sand, cartridge, and DE. Each works in different ways for different types of pools.


It's that time of year when the humidity is low and it's windy, you may have more evaporation than normal. If you think you have water loss, do the bucket test and check your marks. A lot of people think they are leaking when its just evaporation, but if you find you are leaking, give us a call!! We are here to fix your leaks!!


Wishing everyone a nice Thanksgiving holiday. We are so grateful for all of the wonderful people that we have met this year. Enjoy the day with friends and family!!!


Trained pool and spa professionals are the individuals best qualified to evaluate water quality, safety equipment and the physical conditions of your pool and spa facilities. Scheduling regular maintenance checks and inspections will keep your pool operating safely and efficiently.


Leak detection is for more than simply finding out if your pool leaks it is equally important to know that it does not have a leak. If your pool is not leaking, but it is losing water, the possible causes have been narrowed down.


Phone: +1 727-289-5652

Website: http://www.leak-geeks.com

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