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Reason #3 CHEMICALS KEPT IN BALANCE The chemical needs of your pool change during different times of the year. In cooler months the pH of the water tends to increase which can cause several problems including scaling on the pool surface, tile and plumbing equipment. Regular pool maintenance will keep the water balanced and you will have a much more enjoyable summer when it’s time to swim again.


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Reason #4 POOL READY FOR SWIMMING Customers without regular service often don’t realize they have issues until swimming season begins. If your pool hasn’t been properly cleaned all winter it can be a swampy mess once warmer weather arrives. When your pool is maintained properly, it’s ready for the first swimming day of the year.


Reason #2 PREVENT POOL DAMAGE Winter weather can wreak havoc on a poorly maintained pool. Dirt and sticks can get trapped in your pool, causing damage or clogged pipes. Maintaining a regular service lets your technician remove these objects and check for damage before they cause a problem.


With the cooler months upon us you might consider dropping your pool service. Here's a few reasons why you should reconsider. Reason #1 AVOIDING STAINS... The most obvious problem you will face this time of year is keeping stains from forming in your pool as leaves settle on the bottom. When a pool is not in use, a buildup of debris tends to leave behind permanent stains that could make your pool look unattractive once summer arrives. Keeping the leaves and other debris out of the pool can be a full-time job. Regularly removing dirt and leaves will keep stains at bay. In addition to handling that task, your service technician will ensure that the cleaner is working properly and will empty your skimmer baskets and pump baskets too. This will keep your fingertips from freezing all winter long.


Phone: +1 559-697-9890

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