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Another great City Pulse article by Kyle Kaminski about our beloved pool. Our executive Committee is working directly with the city on evaluating the assessment and developing a strategy recommendation. Stay tuned....


A big (and regretfully belated) thank you goes to the wonderfully talented Dear Ollie, a local lettering & illustration studio for our lovely logo! Make sure you check Sara's work out at https://dearollie.com/.


Hello Friends of Moores Park Pool. We urge everyone to send an email to all Lansing City Council members and our City Clerk ([email protected]) indicating your support for proposed work on Moores Park Pool as a Capital Improvement Project within the Parks and Recreation Draft Master Plan 2020-2025. Comments must be received prior to 5 p.m., Wednesday, January 20. Here is a sample email to use or modify:... Dear Mr/Ms [Last Name], I believe it is important to preserve our recreational and historic assets for future generations. I support the proposed work on the Bintz pool in Moores Park as a Capital Improvement Project in the 2020-2025 Parks and Recreation Draft Master Plan, and urge you to support it too. Sincerely, Your Name Address City Council email addresses may be found here: https://www.lansingmi.gov/267/City-Council


Jan 20 Update:::We’ve raised just over $9000, keep it coming folks! Thank you. Update:::We’ve raised $7k to date which puts us almost to our halfway point. Thank you all so much!!! Now, we just need to raise $8k by the end of January. Let’s do this! ... https://www.mhpn.org/mpp


Welcome aboard WTA Architects, we look forward to the assessment for our beloved Moores Park Pool. Learn more about WTA here: https://www.wtaarch.com/historic-preservation


"...we have no qualms about suggesting that city leaders make funding the pool renovation project a major priority. Truth be told: Children don’t use playground equipment like they once did, but a swimming pool is a guaranteed draw throughout the summer months." We couldn't agree more. Thank you Kyle and City Pulse! http://citypulse.staging.communityq.com//the-cp-edit-save-


We are nearly there. Here are two links to donation portals to help us cross the finish line. Every dollar helps. Michigan Historic Preservation Network: https://www.mhpn.org/mpp Veronica's FB Fundraiser: https://www.facebook.com/donate/261626658817129/10119027015659914


While the Moores Park Pool was closed this past summer, the City of Lansing and Friends of Moores Park Pool have been busy. A request for proposals was issued by the City to find an architectural firm to do a thorough assessment of the pool and WTA Architects has been selected to do the work. Since 1947, this mid-Michigan firm’s portfolio shows the impressive and extensive experience designing, restoring, and upgrading public and historic facilities. Having worked on the Stat...e Capitol and projects from Mackinac to Detroit, they are exactly the type of firm that knows how to marry the past with an eye towards the future. Take a look at their beautiful portfolio: https://www.wtaarch.com/historic-preservation. You can help offset the cost of the structural assessment and meet our March 1 fundraising goal of $15K for this important structural assessment. Give today: https://www.mhpn.org/MPP Image repost from WTA Architects


Built in 1922 and opened to the public in 1923, the Moores Park Pool needs renovations to bring it current. To do so, we require an assessment to understand what needs to be done. Help us show the City how important the pool is to you by donating today: https://www.mhpn.org/MPP


Happy Thanksgiving. We are thankful for the Moores Park Pool, the oldest surviving Bintz pool in America. It is important to our history of place to preserve this historic gem as an important asset and community space for future generations. We need to raise $15,000 for the architectural assessment by March 1, and we need your support. Click here to donate: https://www.mhpn.org/MPP


Thank you for your patience & continued support! We've got exciting fundraiser updates & news in the works, but we've got to hold tight until April to announce. Please stay tuned!


When the city announced the pool might close, community support rolled in for the historic structure. Lansing citizens stepped up to create a public/private partnership called the Friends of Moores Park Pool to assist the City with fundraising for the summer landmark. The full assessment cost is $60K. With the help of matching funds, we only need to raise $15,000 by March 1. Head over to our friends at Michigan Historic Preservation network to donate today: https://www.mhpn.org/MPP


Website: https://www.mhpn.org/mpp

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