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#ISR #InfantSwimmingResource #watersafety #drowningprevention #swimsafenorthport #NotOneMoreChildDrowns


We are FLIPPIN' over the news! Enrollment opens for spring 2021 lessons soon! Join the waitlist to get first access to the schedule >>https://www.webaccomplice.org//belizon/20210104191662712/1<<... #ISR #InfantSwimmingResource #watersafety #drowningprevention #swimlessons #selfrescue #backfloat #springseason #swimseason #swimsafe #northport #NotOneMoreChildDrowns


*drumroll please* Blasting off 2021 swim season with a scholarship giveaway! Details coming soon ... #ISR #InfantSwimmingResource #watersafety #drowningprevention #swimsafenorthport #NotOneMoreChildDrowns


Did today feel like a summer day to you too?! I hope we have a redo of this weather on Wednesday for Maintenance lessons!! There are still some slots open if you want to swim! >>https://www.webaccomplice.org/schedu/lesson_types/belizondo << #ISR #InfantSwimmingResource #watersafety #drowningprevention #swimsafe #backfloat... #NotOneMoreChildDrowns See more


Layers of protection 1. Constant Eyes On (CEO) supervision - if your child cannot swim, you should be in the water within arms reach at all times 2. Door and window alarms and locks- don't forget pet doors! 3. Safety fencing with self-latch gate... 4. Formal swim lessons 5. Knowing CPR incase of emergency A pool fence reduces the risk of drowning by 90% and research shows formal swim lessons can reduce the risk of drowning by 80% Parents, when we know better, we do better! Let me help you with those swim lessons on your layers of protection list so your kiddos are ready for spring break! Lessons begin March 1st, enrollment opens tomorrow! #ISR #InfantSwimmingResource #drowningprevention #swimlessons #watersafety #backfloat #swimfloatswim #swimsafenorthportisr #NotOneMoreChildDrowns


Phone: (941) 544-1856

Website: http://www.swimsafenorthportisr.com

Followers: 477


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