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Update: Work on the website is well under way, so make sure to keep an eye out for when it launches! Starting when the website launches will be my adult swimming programs. These will be customisable to what you need, ranging from 6-12 week programs.... To register your interest drop me a message and you'll be the first to hear when they go live, with added discount on your first program! Make sure to like and share!


Exciting week ahead! With the re-opening of indoor pools this Saturday 25th July, you may have questions and concerns about returning to pools. Below is a link to some FAQs by Swim England, make sure to give it a read. If you have any questions that aren't on their site, then drop me a message or comment below and I'll do my best to answer it for you! https://www.swimming.org//returning-to-pools-guidance-faqs/


With most leisure centre pools still closed at the moment, why wait to get back into the pool? Most private pools around have either reopened or will be soon and we can help you find a pool local to you! Nows the perfect time to get yourself and your children back into the pool in as safer environment as we can get with pools under current guidelines!... For any tips or advice make sure to message or comment below. Or check out our website for our custom programs! http://theswimking.com All programs are 15% off until the start of September!


Website: http://theswimking.com

Followers: 56


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