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So proud of this little man. He is about to complete his refresher for 2021. He not only retained his swim float swim but it is now even better with his confidence and strength. #malachi #watersafety #ISRgraduate


So proud of this little swimmer. She is truly showing her strength and ability. Love my job! #ember #ISRprincess #watersafety


Another safe swimmer in her PJs! It’s graduation day for three more of my kiddos. Almost 100 graduates this swim season. It is always bitter sweet, each one of my kiddos holds a special place in my heart! #lovemyjob #watersurvival #ISRcertified #ISRfamily


As an instructor I love getting videos from my swim parents of their little ones showing off weeks after graduation. This little man is a rockstar. So proud to be part of this little guys ability to swim float swim! #lovemyswimparents #lovemyjob #mademyday #ISRcertified #notonemorechilddrowns


It breaks my heart to see this, please pray for this family during this difficult time. #prayers #watersafety #heartbreaking https://www.fox10phoenix.com//police-boy-dead-after-being-


Swim season for 2021 is approaching quickly. My schedule is already over half full for the first two sessions. Don't miss out on getting your child swim ready before summer. Message me with your email and I will send you my information. #isrcertified #watersafety #proactive


Lucas has graduated from ISR. He has the skills to roll and maintain a solid float. So proud of this little man. #lovemyjob #isrwatersurvival #nevergetsold


So proud of this little boy! He has come so far. He loves the water and is safe being in it! Way to go Brayden, you are a rockstar! #watersafety #lovemyjob #soproud


Want to have your child swim ready by summer, better get on my March schedule there are only 11 spots left. #watersafety #isrcertified #proactive #notonemorechilddrowns


Phone: +1 507-382-2659

Followers: 292


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