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ISR instructors have seen many photos of friends’ and loved one’s babies in these types of floats. While their marketing would have you believe otherwise, these... devices can be very dangerous. They impede how infants develop (head down) because the baby can not move his/her head when in it. They can also put a strain on the lower back and cause alignment issues if misused. Not to mention, these devices promote a vertical posture, also known as the drowning position. Being in the vertical position in the water, even at a young age, creates muscle memory and teaches the child that he or she can attain air vertically in the water. Babies and young children do not have the cognitive abilities to recognize that they would not be able to breathe in this position without this device . Thousands of these floats were recalled in 2015 because they would deflate. The company’s response was to make the plastic thicker and release a public statement that these were TOYS and NOT a learn to swim aid. Parents use devices like these with the best intentions, but they’re not getting the full story. Safer alternatives to recreationally enjoy the water include: Strap your little one in a baby carrier (I’ve personally used the $30 Infantino carrier from Target/Amazon and washed it in the washing machine after). Use a water ring sling. Hold your baby in your arms while in the water. Have a multi-layered water safety plan, including effective supervision, a pool fence, locks and alarms, and CPR. Most importantly, when your baby is at least 6 months old and can sit up unassisted, enroll him/her in ISR Self-Rescue lessons with a Certified Infant Swimming Resource Instructor. You can find an instructor near you at infantswim.com or DM me with your zip, and I’ll send you contact info! #children #parenting #safety #baby


Did you know there is a difference between self-rescue swim lessons and traditional swim lessons?? I really wish I would have done my homework with Jake and un...derstood the differences between the types of lessons. Jake had 5 weeks of traditional swim lessons and never learned how to swim and even if had learned it would not have saved him in his situation. He fell into the Intracoastal waterway FULLY clothed and in the dark. The only thing that would have saved him is if he had learned to self-rescue and WITH his clothes on. Wet clothes add 5-10 pounds depending on what they are wearing so even if they know how to swim or float it might not save them if they haven't practiced in clothes. So please do your homework and choose a program that teaches your child how to rollback and float NOT one that teaches them to blow bubbles or one that uses any type of floatation device. The difference can mean life or death for your young child. If you would like to find an ISR instructor in your area or learn more about the program visit www.infantswim.com There are other self-rescue programs out there but my children have gone through ISR so I know this program very well and totally support their methods! #livelikejake #becauseofjake #isrsaveslives #teachthemtosurvive #doyourresearch #dontblowbubbles #DrowningIsPreventable www.livelikejake.org


If you’re looking for a new career or side gig have you looked into becoming an ISR instructor?! You choose how many hours/students you teach a day = Flexibility You get to watch children conquer aquatic safety skills daily, which still amazes me! You help ISR’s mission Not one more child drowns. ... You are never alone as an instructor. We have instructors and resources that we can reach out to at anytime if we need support or guidance. ISR is training new instructors daily but we still have a huge need for more all over the country! I am the first and only one in Minneapolis, I would love a few instructors to join me in the twin cities! For more information visit ISRcareers.com or please reach out to me with any questions you have #isr #infantswim #isrcareers #instructor #rewarding #lovewhatido #watersafety #swimfloatswim #infantswimmingresource @ Minneapolis, Minnesota


Thank you for your generous gift, Krystle!! The funds donated will cover a whole session for a very deserving family


Website: http://Infantswim.com/

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